Hagaren Viper
2011-01-28 02:17:31
I just got my 100% trophies on my first game on PS3 today. Pity there's no Platinum trophy since it's just a PSN game, haha.
I never want to fish again. Not in real life, and not as Big the Cat. That said, Im really looking forward to Sonic Adventure 2's inevitable release on PSN.
2011-01-02 06:50:09
Is it in bad taste to edit a song/anime combo that you know somebody else is working on?
It's something I've been planning for a while, and was actually planning on starting in the next month or so. I dont wanna step on any toes//compete with the other vid/look like Im copying, but I dont want to throw away all my planning either.
I'm probably over thinking things as usual :V
This Is Halloween
2010-10-31 22:24:14
...Is one year old today :o
Happy Halloween, folks.
@ TwilightChrono
2010-10-30 01:43:36
Yup, I did proud mode, so I got the ridiculously long secret ending :D
Gonna play around a bit before I tackle the secret bosses...Im not particularly ready to have a ragequit yet.
Fanboying about KH
2010-10-29 23:00:36
I just beat Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.
Now I might actually finish KH:Days because Im in such a good mood :D
Current server time: Jan 04, 2025 07:24:54