Hagaren Viper
More QC
2012-05-25 18:10:45
A QC on a 6 year old AMV...
2012-05-25 03:46:11if there's one thing more annoying than subltitles in an's forgein subtitles you can't even read.
Thanks dude, Ill keep that in mind for my next vid.
2012-04-09 22:54:48
I'm going to venture a guess and say that the new Thundercats is not anime by's standards. Animated in Japan, of course, but it's an American concept for American audiences, and I do not believe there is a Japanese version. [Not to say that I feel the same way, but if Avatar doesn't pass, then...]
But you might not just take my word for it, Im pretty sure there is have been threads on the forum regarding Avatar so it might not hurt to ask there too.
In which Im putting aside other things that need to get done in order to edit
2012-04-04 18:08:33
Every time I start a new AMV, I go into it very excited to work, but then the excitement starts to fizzle out. I keep wondering, 'is this any good? Will people enjoy it?' and it makes it hard to enjoy editing. It's generally not until I get 1/4th to one half of the footage down until I start to feel confident and enjoy myself again. That being said, I stayed up until 5:30 in the morning editing because I finally got really excited about it! I really hope people will feel what I do when they watch it, because the idea is special to me [Though a bit cliche I suppose].
I'm really, *really* hoping this will make it into AX, regardless of weather it wins or not. Heck, I'll even take being shown in the pre-show. I'd love to see people's reactions to it.
@Kireblue [Sorta]
2012-04-03 20:03:36
I find it amusing how the fact that the Adult Swim forums and facebook EXPLODED when Toonami came on apparently wasn't enough to convince them as it how people regularly still talk about how they miss it anyway, lol.
Persona 4 [Spoiler-esque]
2012-03-23 02:04:06
Reading up about today's ep, and considering they only have one episode left to finish things off and still so much to do....I'm calling a P4 movie.
I mean, P4 has gotten EVERYTHING ELSE so it wouldn't be a stretch...
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