JOURNAL: HolyVampire32

  • HELL'S YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT KICKED ASS!!! 2003-04-23 09:26:58 Dear Journal,

    HOLY SHIT!!! THAT KICKED ASS!!! This has been a KICK ASS way of starting off spring break. This easer week-end I was able to attend Anime Boston 2003 (I suggest that everyone who loves anime check this place out) I heard that the staff of Anime Boston expected about 600-700 people to out but instead about 4,000 PEOPLE SHOWED UP!!!! HOT DAMN!!!! It was great, now journal I know that it may seem like I'm just raving and raving about this convention but this was my first convention and I LOVED IT!!! And for once I can let "the others" see what I'm typing and be able to give you full details. Anime Boston was a 3 day convention over Easter week-end; it was filled with tons of stuff to do. There were plenty of panels where a newbie could start to learn about the world of anime, or how to go about making your own anime web page, or anime music video. There was the gaming basement where we could play some of the hottest games like Soul Caliber 2, Halo, Dance Dance Revolution 6th Mix (Japanese version), Super Smash Brothers and other classic systems like Super SNES, Genesis, and I think there was an Atari in one corner of the room. There were also tons of people cosplaying (for people who don't know cosplaying is when you dress up like your favorite character) I say everything from Guts from Berserk to Ulala from Space Channel 5 (And I got a shot of her ^_^) Also there was an AMV contest and they ranged from newbie’s making a good effort to make an AMV in the Newbie’s Division to the Master's division where I saw some KICK ASS AMVS!!! Also I got to check out some new anime’s on the market like FLCL, DNA^2, Onegai Teacher (A.k.a Please Teacher) Blue Gender and some others. And I also found out the Bandai has just gotten licensing rights to Witch Hunter Robin!!!!!!!!!!!! It kicked ass so I suggest if you have the cash and the willingness to fly over here or if you live close to Boston stop come to Anime Boston 2004 it will be held April 9-11 but keep going to the web site for updates to the events, guests and the schedule

    -Holy Vampire 32

    <end transmission>

    10:27:32 Am 
  • Anime Revolution is comming... 2003-01-29 17:19:51 Dear Journal,

    While I know that this document might be vied by "the others" it is still my obligation to note my findings, goals and accoplisments. I have finally have begun work on the fanservice, comics, reviews and wallpapers page. I need to create seprate pages for the comics page and I need to turn the wallpapers into thumb nails but I will get it online if its the last thing I do!

    [To all the may view this who isn't one of "the others"] I am in need of some support I need to get my page on the web so if anyone knows of any free domain hosting I would greatly appericate it if you would contact me. I would also provide a spot on my links page for a link to you site (if you provide the information about free domain hosting and provide a banner)

    Ya know Journal I still haven't gotten word back from the job I am hoping with all my heart that I will get it. It would be great if i got the job! I also bought a new PS2 game Dance Dance Revolution Max. And Journal it kicks @$$!!!!!! Sure I do realize that it maybe a little annoying without the dance pad but I will try to get it as soon as possible but until then I am enjoying the music so much that I am thinking of using some of the songs in some Anime Music Videos. That's if I do get the equiptment and learn how to make a video; I have still yet to review that stick thread in the Forum. But until then I will hope for the best for my site and for my application for the job! GAMBARIMASU!

    Holy Vampire 32

    Journal Entry: 6:18:45 pm

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  • Anime Revolution... 2003-01-25 21:07:21 Dear Journal,

    After all this time, after all the GOD DAM SCHOOL WORK...Sorry I lost my cool but its where was I?...Oh yes after everything I've been going through I have finally begun my site ANIME there are a few things that is going to make this site speical. First of all this is site is starting as a revolution and it will evolve, yes journal it will evolve. It will start as a revolution and then the final stage of the site will be Titan. I can't say to much now becuase this document might be viewed by "the others" Also another thing happened to day, I have finally begun to write up my story. I should have the very basics done my the end of next week, but I'm worried journal, I want to find a company to turn my story into an anime. I want the people who did Ghost in the Shell:Stand Alone Complex or maybe even the people who did Kite. So I keep my hopes I journal and I pray for the best ;)

    Holy Vampire 32

    Journal Entry: 10:16:30 pm

    <end journal entry> 
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