JOURNAL: Katara (Matt Reppert)

  • I'm giving the idea to writing...fanfiction 2005-07-14 23:39:31 No, not the kind that is rated M for Mature.

    I love writing, as you may have guessed by the sheer length of some of my journal entries.

    Some time ago, hell probably before I even joined the Army, I began work on a Cowboy Bebop story set during the show. The story's premise got some good remarks from people who I presented the idea to and I've been fleshing out more details as to where I want the whole thing to go in recent times. I've decided to get off my ass and actually fully write the damned thing.

    First of all allow me to say this, I don't believe in altering any pre-determined characters. I.e. Spike and Faye will never hook up in my story, there will BE no romantic relationship between them. Such a thing wasn't even really hinted at until the last episode of the series, so it most certainly would not have occured before the events of the last show.

    In my story, Spike is still a non-chalant bounty hunter, Jet is a grizzled world weary ex cop, Faye is a greedy bitch that looks out for herself, and Ed is utterly insane.

    However, I'm not really sure where to put the story up when I do complete it, I've been wondering what site would actually post the thing in it's entirety. If anyone has any suggestions, I will gladly listen to them.

  • Back on post, and by the way, I hate IRC 2005-07-08 00:02:33 Well, I'm back at Fort Campbell, hopefully I can get to work on my next AMV and get it mostly finished before we head out to do some more training next week.

    Damnit all to hell.

    Currently, I'm browsing around the AMV IRC Chatroom. One thing you can count on is that there is always SOMEONE to speak with in those places (unless of course, you are in there at wierd hours in the night, like I currently am).

    Currently, I'm on a quest for people to speak with, so far my quest has hit a fortress filled with obnoxious frenchmen that throw things at me.

    Cookie if you get the reference. 
  • Naruto, we hardly knew ye... 2005-07-02 02:58:33 So lately, I've been reading up on Naruto's immenent release in the states. However, there are a few points of Naruto's release that terrify and piss me off. I will discuss my thoughts on the matter after I list the points.

    A) Naruto has been picked up by Cartoon Network, which plans to use it on Toonami, not Adult Swim.

    B) Because of this, Naruto will be heavily edited for mainstream audiences.

    C) The dubbing, from what I've heard, will alter the Japanese moves into more "english sounding" names.

    Okay, first of all. I fucking hate it when Cartoon Network gets it's hands on an Anime. CN was a valuable source of anime several years ago, hell it was probably one of the only networks that aired it. Dragonball Z was watered down and heavily altered so that it could be mass marketed to the masses. This forumula of course, turned out successful and there is no reason that Naruto probably won't be a highly successful show when it too debuts on Toonami.

    The PROBLEM with this is that it will kill Naruto as it is known by many fans on the internet. Naruto as it stands right now, is probably one of the most downloaded anime shows in existence and the damned thing isn't even on DVD yet in the states.

    The altered children's version of Naruto will dilute the original and many kids will grow up with some wierd, distorted image of Naruto that differs from the one that many people (who've already seen subbed episodes of the original).

    If Naruto had been aired on Adult Swim, I would have been THRILLED. There the show could have been shown in it's full uncut glory, for the people to enjoy it that truly were meant to.

    However, I can't fault Cartoon Network for wanting to make money, and I've little doubt that Naruto will make a damned TRUCKLOAD when it does indeed air.

    My only hope for Naruto is that they release the DVDs fully uncut, with all the scenes in them. Perhaps I shall make a sacrifice to the DVD Gods to ensure that this happens.

    Who's with me?

  • So, I'm 23 years old now 2005-06-27 02:56:11 Yeah, my birthday was on Saturday. Myself and a group of friends went to Six Flags Great adventure. What REALLY pissed me off was the fact that Kingda Ka was closed. In case you don't know, Kingda Ka is the tallest, fastest roller coaster in the world currently. The coaster goes up to about 453 feet in the air, which as you can imagine, is pretty goddamned high.

    You know, I realized something, I'm almost at the midway point to my 20s. I'm an adult, something which has both enthralled and terrified me since I became a teenager. Had you told me when I was 18 years old that I would be in the Army when I was 23, I would have laughed and called you an idiot.

    My birthday always makes me reflect on the fact that every year I'm growing more and more distant from my teenager years. It is now half a decade since I graduated from high school, five years, thats not alot of time when you think about it. However, in that time, I graduated high school, went to a community college, went to a four year college, stopped going to that college, and joined the Army.

    I lived EVERY DAY of those five years and let me tell you folks, five years is a long damned time.

    I'm constantly on the lookout for a signifigant other (hey, I'm a guy, okay?) and of course, more and more these days, it seems that many girls fall under the "too young" category for me. When I was 20 years old, I could see myself dating an 18 year old. However, now that I'm 23, it's starting to seem a little more "out there."

    I probably still would date an 18 year old, but not unless I was sure of her mental capacity (i.e. not an airhead High school girl) and that she had a future ahead of her instead of latching onto me because I'm older.

    God, sometimes I think about shit too much.

    I hate birthdays. 
  • Ah, home 2005-06-20 19:49:01 Well, I'm on leave until July 5th. It's nice to be home, what ISN'T so nice is that I have no computer here, hence no AMV progress and therefore, I can't finish the vid I've been working on. Getting on the internet is a bit of a chore so don't be surprised if my updates are a little sporadic. However, I do have an excellent story to tell when I have a bit more time to tell it.

    Suffice it to say, you will weep at how stupid human beings can be nowadays once you've heard this story.

Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:32:04