Katara (Matt Reppert)
Video is finally up
2005-06-03 22:25:32
Well, I finally got "Strength of a Boy" up on the ORG, It took longer than usual because I was busy with work and didn't have time to sit down and make sure the vid was "finished" properly.
I swore up and down that I'd never do another Dragonball Z vid but for some reason the song by Papa Roach, "Start Looking, Start Seeing" seemed to fit in my opinion anyway, the battle between Gohan and Cell, when Gohan finally stands up and overcomes the greatest enemy they had ever faced.
Well, enjoy folks.
Whoops, can't go to Otakon
2005-06-01 10:09:26
Yeah, the problem with being in the Army is that you don't really HAVE free time. Techincally, at any moment, even when I'm "off" work, I can be called up to pull some duty.
Now, the problem being is that if I can't go to Otakon this year, I won't be able to go until about 2007. This is due to the fact that if I miss this year, I WILL miss next year because of my unit's deployment to Iraq.
I wouldn't mind attending Otakon for the sole purpose of it'd be nice to be around anime minded people for a change.
Around here (as I mentioned in another entry) anime isn't a "big" thing and more often then not, people don't watch it.
I have a two and a half weeks of leave coming up, but of course, the leave ends early July, which as you know, is a couple weeks before Otakon.
If you do get to go, be sure to have a fun time for my sake.
New AMV Completed
2005-05-31 23:12:28
I just recently completed a brand spankin' new AMV that I hope to upload to the ORG in a few hours after I tweak it a bit. Getting the vid to match my demands of quality and file size was a complete and utter BITCH but after messing around with my compression program for a few days, I finally found a setting that kept the quality of the vid and kept the filesize down to about 80 megs.
Look for the new vid hopefully tonight or tomorrow morning.
Why I've never given an opinion
2005-05-26 21:21:42
Alot of people base their AMVs on the opinions of others. Personally, to a point, I do as well. However, there are three types of AMV makers. Type A maker is one who makes AMVs to recieve opinions, to win competitions, to get Opinions, etc. Type B is somoene who makes AMVs for the hell of it and doesn't care if they recieve an OP or not. Type C is a middleman between A and B.
Alot of people I've seen are a type A with rabies. Thats not a BAD thing mind you, in fact its not even unpleasant, to each his own.
In all my time of doing AMVs, I've never given an Opinion out. Why? Because I don't think my opinion is valid in most cases. Who in the hell am I to come in and say if your vid is up to standard or not? Which standards am I measuring your vid against? Mine? Someone else's vid?
First of all, if I measure you against me, I'd have to factor in the fact that I probably have access to better programs than you do, or maybe I may have more time on my hands to make the vid. Maybe it's the fact that I have expirience.
If I measure you against someone else, which someone should that be? Someone who has done AMVs for years and years and therefore, can most likely make a far superior vid then you or I ever could?
I've always been worried that I'll judge someone too harshly and I refuse to give someone a fantastic opinion "just because." So hence, I've never given an opinion.
If someone wanted my opinion that bad, I would give it. But I've never had people IMing me or emailing me desperate to know what some 22 year old dude in the Army thinks of their vid and hey, thats cool with me.
You may disagree with me and if you do, I'd love to chat with you over the matter, I could always use a discussion about AMV making (yes, if you want to ask about a vid you made, I will watch it and I won't even demand you watch mine in return).
IF you want to contact me, my AIM screen name is Katara1982 and my email is my profile.
Whats so wrong with newbies?
2005-05-25 14:31:21
If you hang around the ORG long enough, you'll notice that there is a distinct line between those who've been making AMVs for a period of time and those who haven't. Now, I'm not talking about quality or vid content, thats all based on circumstance, for instance Person A knows how to get better programs and rip better than Person B.
No, I'm speaking of the fact that generally, alot of "older" AMV makers glance at new people with something of a bit of disgust. Especially if those people do some sort of cliche video, such as Dragonball Z and Linkin Park videos.
Personally, I've never minded new people. New people means new blood, new ideas.
Yes, there will be ALOT of vids that aren't up to "standard" made, but so what? You can't get better by not making vids at all. However, the attitude of some people is to slap down such newbies before they ever even get off the ground.
I lucked out, I started AMV making before there ever really was some sort of large community built around it. So I had no one to tell me whether my work was good or bad, I only had my own ego stroking self. Telling me this was the best AMV in the world.
Only it wasn't.
I look back on pretty much all of my old work from when I started out and mentally smack myself for ever thinking this stuff was even PASSABLE.
Most newbies I notice, have the same attitude I had back when I first started AMV making.
"I made a decent vid and damnit all to hell, I'm proud of it."
However, what bugs me is the lack of encouragement on the part of older AMV makers. To critique is one thing, to utterly smash someone's work is another. I've always been nice to new people, I'll always offer what knowledge I have to anyone who's willing to listen.
"But they need to learn by trial and error, just as we did."
Where is the logic in that? You have all this knowledge but refuse to share it with anyone new on the grounds that they should "rough it" just as you did?
Come on people.
If you know how to make a better AMV, by all means, share. It won't hurt you, hell you may even like having a "protege" if you will.
Well, thats enough of my ravings for now.
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