JOURNAL: Silver Wolf of Mist (Mith Kusanagi)

  • @ShinoDude 2005-09-23 20:31:13 lol thanks for actully careing ;-; 
  • o-o 2005-09-23 19:28:19 Oh dear god, this morning i swear i was nearly in tears, i was watching one of my older AMV's With Whiskey lullaby on it...damn...made it when my ex frm 3 yrs ago shcarrted my heart broke it to pices and left me to drift away......i literally think i cried msyelf to sleep......;-; ive been all depressed...

    Where are you now Sarah?....what you doing?....looks down...i feel so broken now.. 
  • AMV 2005-09-22 12:31:57 started my first Gravitation AMV. 
  • maaan.. 2005-09-22 05:39:58 Im so lonely...Where has the Real me been all my life? Well since i became 13 ....It's like i just now relize..ive lost myself some where...but..where...? Hopefully singing career willg o right maybe then i can find myself....I want a girlfriend...i want friends..i want my life back....Listening to Yesterday's Feelings by The used right now, and it isent the best thing to listen to right now its 5:39 and im depressed, so not good i have a job interview today at 4:30 ;-; woe is me.....will i be cheerful enough to go?...


    ..." looks to the sky thinks, Amongs these misty mornings i cant help but wonder of how my life is lost as if the due on the tips of the blades of the green grass from the Leaving mist, Now onthe up raiseing son, Will a brighter day unfold? Or like night will the brightness fade into darkness where only the brillieant Radiant Moon peers down amongs the earth, watching with a keen eye over the many sleeping People, What Will become of me now? Shall I give up shall i give in and let me fall? or shall I fight and raise as the sun and burnt with a bright raidence instead of the royal radience of night be or day? In time I shall find out untill them shall i continue to ponder of what will be and what may unfold..."

    Poem written by Mith.....

    Later all 
  • My Real Life goal. 2005-09-22 00:50:10 Well, Ive finally Decided. I wan to be a Musical PReformer/artist in a band of course. I relzied my dream today. Ive decided. tomarro wi have a everyday Life Job Interview at a store enar here, Ifi gett he job im goingto start buying Equitpment. Myf riends and every thinks i should abeen a drummer but id ont want to I want to be a Vocalist. And iw ill be. Im buying a Audio Studio thingy and microphone and Speackers. And Get My Vocial's better.

    My friend is mainly mad becuase i droped out of our current band but it was going no where and id ont want to be in it i get annoye dby him any way. So one day i will be hopeing to be a vocalist in a band....iw ill make myd ream come true no matter what. Untill then i will stick to amvs my job and school.

    Thanks for reading!!!

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