JOURNAL: SQ (StandardQuip )

  • Deployment 2012-02-28 08:39:14 On deployment again.
    I don't know if any of you watch me, or are interested in my personal life at all. But if you are, is a start.

    In other news, the real reason I'm posting here is...

    Because I was bored, I finally edited all of my video informations. Just for the "featured videos" though. I started doing all of them, but then I realized most have no links so there's no point. And I like looking back and seeing how youthful/naive I was, hah.

    So now all my featured vids' info are either significantly shorter, and/or make more sense.
    With the exception of "Legacy", which is still long as hell because I'm not gonna remove all the journal quotes.

    Maybe for my next "project" this deployment, all work on finishing that <a href="">Hugeass forum topic</a> about the org's redesign. 
  • New video 2011-12-19 22:31:51 This is kind of late but I'd appreciate if you took a look at my new video~

    Also, I made a short url for my amv profile page:
  • It's all gone 2010-12-17 22:23:49 Yep. I know this is super late, but it's allllllll gone.
    I'll just add a video entry for the damn beta. Sigh. 
  • HDD Died. 2010-08-31 03:40:35 HDD randomly crashed and bombed. Lost everything. TRYING to recover it but it outlook appears bleak. Why does this ALWAYS happen when I'm working on my AMV Opus? This is the THIRD TIME! I've never finished an "opus" because of it.

    That aside, I am not sure what beta #9 shows, or if a 10 exists since it's been so long, but I do remember finishing everything and beginning the typography. The text looked awesome so far. But I only got to "You show your dirty face behind".

    I also remember I was going to redo the opening sequence again because I didn't like it.

    Let's hope I can recover something because I am not going to remake this fucking music video. If I can't recover it, I'll just upload the last beta, as I did with my last two self-proclaimed "opus" videos. (Knives' View and Totaltarian). 
  • Finished. Kind of. 2010-08-15 04:28:39

    The finished timeline.
    I couldn't do the finer details because where I am there's a lot of ambient sound. So I'll just save the fine tuning for later.

    After that... Typography. =3 
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 04:52:46