JOURNAL: SQ (StandardQuip )

  • waaargle 2010-08-15 00:00:43 August 14:
    Today's the first day I've looked at the Legacy AMV since I've gotten on the ship. Which means this is also the first time I've watched the AMV using headphones rather than speakers. Apparently my laptop's speakers suck ass, because with headphones I am hearing a constant bass drum beat I NEVER heard before. And because of that, my AMV doesn't really synch to anything anymore. Terrible luck. I'm thinking about just doing an easy/cheap fix of slight zooms via AE for the beat.

    But, I was planning on doing that for the clapping sounds if I didn't change scenes. I guess I'll have to think of something different for that. Dx

    August 15:

    I "finished" the AMV! And by finished I mean, completed the timeline! OMG YAY
    (this beta was released BEFORE I finished the timeline)

    I tweaked a lot of everything, several times. I should probably have another beta up today... I am in the process of finishing up the small timing things (small electronic noise, drum beats, etc.). After I finish all that, I'll put out one more beta before I start the typography which YES I AM STILL DOING. HURHURRRR.

    This is going to be one clusterfuck of an AMV.  
  • NiaNiaNia 2010-07-25 22:41:31
    This is a screencap of a lagarith encode.
    I'll have a new beta out eventually with lil wayne's solo in it, I just want to actually finish the solo first.

    Anyway, the screencap looks atrocious. I want to say it's because that isn't a keyframe and those are stills and it's moving very fast HOWEVER I think that's just optimism at this point.

    I managed to finish most of Lil wayne's solo today - what I thought would have to be done entirely in After effects, I mostly did through motion effects in Premiere. While that SOUNDS bad it actually came out looking pretty good. Also, my original grunge idea was scrapped (Kind of happy it was because then I would've had to make all the stills by hand). Instead I used some REALLY nice softcore hi res pics of Yoko and Nia. Though the black cloak sisters left something to be desired, I managed to pull some nice things out of my ass from the beach episode. I did make an EARLY "girls test" wmv... I guess if you want to know KIND OF what I already did you can view that but ehhh.

    While I finished the 'girls' part (and the finished product isn't in the beta here) I didn't finish the entire solo yet. I'm going to do that, port it over to AE to add the text effects ("Rock" and the girl's names will be in there... Look at the lyrics for the song if you have no idea what I mean).
    After THAT I may chuck out another beta.

    Bleh. Just because I'm bored, here are the lyrics so this part makes a bit more sense:
    Wayne's world
    Planet Rock
    Panties drop
    And the tops
    And she gonna rock 'til the camera stop
    And I sing about angels like Angela (rock)
    And Pamela (rock)
    And Samantha (rock)
    And Amanda (rock)
    And Tamara (rock)</i>

    Hence why I have sultry pics in there. 
  • #7 2010-07-23 15:18:47

    The most intense masks so far are at the end of this one.

    Fixed up terrible stroke with mask at 0:58ish, added all the new AE work.
    I think that's all I did.

    I can finally move onward with the song.

    By the way, I have no idea what I originally intended for the song opening so I'm just going to leave that there for now and not mask anything...
    Maybe I'll roto some video credits in there or something. 
  • Changelog 2010-07-18 10:49:21 I should probably start a personal blog for this but I'm much too lazy.
    This is really just for my personal benefit.

    First cut; getting idea(s) together.

    Small scene changes and tightened up timing

    Introduced AE notes (for future reference); small scene changes (notably "Let it rock" chorus was entirely changed); progressed further into the song

    Actually did some of the AE work; tightened up timing in the latter half

    Tightened up pre-existing AE work; added some more

    Changed the stupid glow thing at 0:12 for THE LAST TIME; subtitle removal; finally fixed aspect ratio problem

    I think right now I'm going to just finish up the rest of the base AE work for the notes I already have and put the first half of the video into video lock. After that I'll progress further into the song, because after this the timing will be much more difficult anyway.

    Then (if I actually get this far before giving up) I can port the entire thing over to AE and do the fine tuning and typography like I wanted. Though Lil Wayne's chorus is going to be A BITCH. I'll probably have to do all the AE work there (including the typography) at once before continuing. 
  • Need Beta testers 2010-07-11 21:09:02 You need MSN or Skype (for IMing). I host the files on my own server, however.
    It's for the AMV I was talking about in my last entry.

    Here's my latest beta:

    All of them are still in there if you want to see progression (just change the number to whatever)
    Also I will probably have 4 out soon... Maybe tomorrow. Bleh. Px

    If you have experience with after effects, that would help. 
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