SQ (StandardQuip )
AWA 2008 = No go for sure. Plus: Surgery and Navy
2008-09-05 14:58:10
So as AWA ebbs ever closer I realized just how much I do in fact want to go.
Despite my not making AMVs I still do edit ocassionaly, and despite that fact that I suck compared to other editors in our marvelous fandom, I still enjoyed everyone's personalities and I loved filming everyone and getting to know each of you, even if only for 2 minutes.
Anyway, I am still unemployed, and have been since March. I'm in quite a bit of money trouble now though I don't really like talking about it. Planned years ahead of time, I am getting Jaw Surgery. People who have met me will know I have these huge front teeth that display my "inner woodchuck."
I am getting jaw surgery that will pull my lower jaw forward and my upper jaw more up. The dates were never set in stone for this, but this year I finally got confirmation form insurance that it is covered 100% and the surgery date is schedules for September 18th, with a 2 - 5 week recovery time. The large amounts of metal in my mouth will not be removed until after 8 weeks.
So, while my 21st birthday plans are crushed, there is also no possible way I'd make it to AWA. Even if I wasn't drugged up and delirious, I wouldn't want people to see how swollen I would be, or try to communicate with people when I could not talk. I had debated buying a one-day pass for AWA to see the AMV awards at least, but now I really can't go. xD;
Anyway, after this surgery, I've enlisted into the Navy.
I obviously cannot succeed in this world since I've been unemployed for the better half of this year, so I figured this was my only choice.
I chose Navy over the other branches for various reasons, but mostly it was because they had the job openings I wanted whereas the other branches were kind of like... "Fuck you." XD
Plus, the recruiter for the navy was the only one who didn't badger me endlessly like a used car salesman. That went a long way.
Anyway, after November, hopefully I can re-immerse myself into the AMV community. I still only feel at home in the off-topic forum.. Being as I don't make AMVs any more I can't really talk about them. And since I have no money to donate, well. I can't really get into the OT forum anymore, can I?
I wish you all the best of luck with your lives and projects. I know hardly anyone reads this but I miss speaking to all of you and I like gaining insights to people's lives. Maybe someday Ican do this again at a future convention or meeting. =)
Just got a Twitter
2008-04-24 22:52:23
be warned, no AMV activity is on it. (Not that I'm normally making AMVs anyway xD)
AWA 2008 (I'm probably not going)
2008-04-24 14:11:26
Here's the deal everyone (that cares).
I used to go to AWA every year for whatever reason.
But after last year, I thought that maybe it was time to not go to AWA anymore. I had a fun time with people, but I had a bad time with other people. And while maybe part of it is my fault, the main problem I had was with an angsty AWA crew member who said I needed to have a press pass just to lug around a camera LOL -rolls eyes-
Anyway, instead of buying my badge super early like I usually do, I decided that I had paid for my ticket to AWA enough years in a row to not really participate in events (I never got a press pass before because I liked supporting AWA). So the plan was to get a press pass for AWA 2008 so I didn't have to pay again (I really don't have the money, guys) and also get some nice quirks that only staff/press get.
As time wore on, my budget got even worse and my want to go to AWA has lessened. I decided after editing professionally for a brief stint that I didn't like the industry so rushed to an early graduation with my AS instead of both AS and BA degrees. I am now moved back in with my parents in between jobs and attempting to go to college again for technical writing instead of anything dealing with multimedia.
Because of my rush to get out of FL and the media industry so quickly, and my money problems, I was never able to get a camera. Any large cameras I had were always rented through my school and, now that I am not enrolled there any more (And also don't live int hat state, even) I don't have access to those cameras any more.
I am trying my best to still get my own camera, but with my money problems I simply can't afford it for a really long time (So getting a press pass for AWA now is pretty null and void).
I decided that maybe I could go to AWA as a normal person for once, and not just record everyone. But honestly, I am a very shy person unless I have some type of crutch or secret security thing. I have problems in crowds and AWA is getting bigger every year. Last year, even with the large camera, I was really having problems with so many people around.
It finally came down to my 21st birthday.
I usually celebrate my birthday by going to AWA. My birthday is on october 5.
I didn't have any money to go to AWA in 2007. I was able to have my parents front the money for me for my 20th birthday.
AWA is getting ever so much stricter with their alcohol policies (I don't blame them) so I was unable to drink in 2007, and I'll probably be even more sober in 2008. And please don't blame me for wanting to drink loads on my 21st birthday!
I decided that for my 21st birthday I want to do drinks around the world at Epcot (Or at least party with some close friends and drink), but I will have no money for either of these things if I also went to AWA (even if I had a press pass).
So for the time being I am not counting on going to AWA at all in 2008, simply because I'd like to have a real birthday party for once. Not a lot of people know I use AWA for my birthday party and I guess I'm an attention whore but I'd like a celebration of my birthday for once instead of just simply hanging out.
You guys are great and I'll miss every one I ever met at AWA. But I can safely say that if I end up not going this year, I'll probably never go to AWA again.
Special Access
2007-11-07 10:09:55
Well today, as pretty much every day, I got an email in regards to a thread I was watching (this one happened to be the vent). And I guess today was the day my donation status finally dispersed.
This makes me emo. I really can't spare 12-14/however much they made it right now. D;
I'll miss you guys.
At least I managed to make my dent on the forum. >D
New York
2007-04-26 20:16:07
I'm going to New York tomorrow morning to shoot a documentary about Universal Healthcare in the USA and how hard it is to get the message to the public tomorrow morning.
I hope I don't shit myself. I don't have a crew. D:
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