JOURNAL: Miang (Te )

  • Happy Birthday to me. 2003-01-06 09:30:26 Yay. It isn't as bad as I thought so far.
    Maybe I shouldn't worry about things like this as much as I do. 
  • Anticipation 2003-01-04 08:35:42 Birthdays really suck. Probably not as much as the anticipation leading up to them.
    Here I sit, two days to my birthday, and I wonder how being another year older will change me. Probably not at all. I'll continue to not act my age, not look my age... yet.
    At least I have a nice bottle of sake to look forward to. 
  • Happy New Year 2003-01-01 14:56:16 It's the new year, and as I sit here, I wonder what it will bring.
    I've already broken one of my 'resolutions', just like I expected-- I'm still smoking.
    I'm looking forward to more happening this year than ever before-- like actually going to an anime convention or two. I'm trying to make plans to go to AKon, and meet up with a couple of friends there. Then there's also AWA... that one's closer-- and then there's Dragon Con... I guess I could start working on some paintings and prints, to see if I can get in as an artist type there. It couldn't /hurt/, could it?
    At least I might have a chance to sell a few paintings. 
  • I hate popups 2002-12-31 21:58:51 I hate popup windows with a passion. You know that commercial with the guy trying to close them all while asteroids or some atari game is playing in the background? That's what I feel like right now. Grrr.
    I keep working on videos, and I keep wondering: what would it be like to have something better to work with, something that will do everything that I want it to. Then I wake up-- stuck with what I have, so I'll have to just make do.
    Funny note: I showed my sister one of my videos, and she thought I'd done the animation as well. Silly, isn't it? If I could do animation that well, I wouldn't be working where I am right now, and struggling to get anyone to buy one of my paintings. But she's sweet, thinking that someday I'll do that.
    I miss my best friend.... he hasn't even left town yet, and I miss the goof. Man.... it sucks to be alone around the holidays.
    It sucks to be alone period. 
  • Video Obsession 2002-12-24 11:59:15 I have found a new hobby... making videos. Yay. I've reached a partial goal, in impressing a friend who also makes them with one of my videos, but I want to do better than that-- I want to perfect my videos. Which is why I'm buying all the Trigun DVDs so that the quality of the video I use is much better than what I started out with.
    I know some songs have been done before-- but if we just do songs that have never been done before we will run out of appropriate songs. I did do a better job on my second video. I know that...
    Anyhow. I usually don't write journals, so I really don't know why I'm doing this one. 
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