Knowname (Ben )
To add to what I just said (in the off topic forum)
2012-02-03 21:50:19
"Just looked into my bank account and my little charade of losing my phone and using a pay phone 3 differnt times for about 30 seconds each costed no not 5 dollars, not 10 but 30 friggen bucks for less than 2 minutes on the phone?? I'da' bit the bullet for even 12 dollars but GOD! WHAT IS the world coming too?? If I only had a way to make change it'd costed me like a buck 50!!"
*note, NEVER use your credit card on a payphone! GOD it'd been cheaper to get a cab and tell im myself!!
Unsafety Dance
2012-02-02 20:36:09
I've watched that Safety Dance AMV like 5 times... just not feeling it.
really must figure out wth a meme is
2012-02-02 01:29:25
and why I should care
[/curmudgeon] (but not promising anything)
2012-01-31 16:49:52
This move is really cutting into my AMV time, not the move itself it's still a month away, but when my parents divorced they neglected to separate their stuff... so obviously I have to now :| or something like that. Most disturbingly is the family pictures... WTF??
[curmudgeon] infinite
2012-01-28 15:14:10
i'd only gotten through a page and a half of a few VCA topics but... why do many of the videos feel like Youtube quality?? A few stand out, but those are mostly by established editors. I kinda' feel like sticking around a bit just to have something to watch I truly ENJOY :/
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