JOURNAL: Moonzag (William Lagerquist)

  • So it has begun... 2004-01-04 23:20:44 I've started my work on my EOERM AMV (End Of Evangelion Rock Mix Anime Music Video) And I've diceded that this will be my masterpieace! I've done some mixing of the songs and I've written whe first storybord. In the first storybord I will only talk about what I want from the songs and the movie. And if some could help me find some more songs to my AMVor if you have any questions just contact me at and I will glady answer all your questions! Ahh! I'm feeling much better, I'm so happy that I can't barly type... Or is that beacuse the lack of sleep? Nah! Can't believe that I was so depressed ^^;;

    // Moonzag 
  • So it begins... 2004-01-04 16:38:45 I've got an idea that I just can't leave alone... I know I should be taking a rest from editing but I just can't... I will use one movie and 5 - 10 parts of different songs in this AMV... This will take time and I must do this... I will start now! Even if I'm not feeling well (Like now) I must keep working!

    // Moonzag 
  • Dream of butterflies instead... 2004-01-04 03:42:56 It seems like I'm falling deeper in my depression... I don't even know why I am depressed... And I'm sick and tierd of all the "no-no's" and all the "taboo's" everyones talking of... What the heck! Just make an AMV! I'm thinking of making an AMV that brakes every "taboo" and I'll use all the no-no's there is!!! I know what song I'd use if I makeit "Neuroticfish - Breaking the Cliche" but what anime fit's to that song...? I know... I'll choose the anime most hate... But many loves that anime... Hmmm... This is a hard nut to crack... It's fun toying with this idea... But I don't think I'll make this AMV, and I alredy have plenty of work an I'm taking a brake from the editing... But it's so hard... I want to work but I just can't when I'm so depressed... And I still have my tribute to my friend to make... I should do a tribeute to my friend that showed me the world of AMV's... But I showed him the other part of AMV's... The editing... I have him to thatnk that he showed me a AMV....... That's it! I'm going to make his tribute when I feel better...

    // Moonzag 
  • Jävla skit! 2004-01-02 20:20:11 Nothing seems to go well these days...

    I don't feel like working on my AMV's, I'm not getting anywhere with my music, the family does nothing but nag on me, my computer is fucked and my fav forum is down forever. I feel like crap. I haven't sleept or eaten enught for the past days... I'm going to put all my AMV's on a hold.

    // Moonzag 
  • Ahh... so nostalgic... 2003-12-30 16:04:41 Thanks to Henkalinen and QuickSilvyr I got some of my AMV's back. And when I saw them I got really nostalgic and my AMV plans got trashed. After my Sundance Kid AMV I will make something that has to do with my old AMV's ^^ 
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