Moonzag (William Lagerquist)
2003-12-18 15:04:37
Now I got some work to do. I got three AMV's to do.
1. A various with the song Borax, But I don't know who did it. It was someone at the LAN Birdie 11 or 12, and the song was made for a DEMO and i think it won .^^
2. A Trigun AMV with the song Sundance Kid by Kent, it's a swedish song so I'll have to do a subtitle for it... But for the swedes here I'll make a subtitle free version!
3. A Love Hina AMV with the song Love Song For No One by John Mayer, the song doesn't fit that well but I'll make it! *Evil*
The first one has the shortest song but it's the most advanced song so It'll take longest to do ... And the second will be done in notime. ^^ And finaly! The last one will take long 'cos I have to make the song fit to the anime and that will be hard work.
// MooNZaG the AMV addicted moon
And if you want to know more Just mail me.
P.S I'd like a review of the first AMV I enterd here =^.^=
Ä new start...
2003-12-18 05:53:06
I'm going to ty making that AMV again... And I can just hope that i get it dune until my birhtday...
Damn.... (part 2)
2003-12-17 17:26:00
I just rememberd that i have a 10 pages book report to write until tomorrow (Ok, it's today) And I haven't even read 3 chapters.... And I have a AMV to re-think how I'm going to do it.... *Doomed*
2003-12-17 14:30:29
Well, I was planing an AMV with the song : Love song for no one. And with the Anime: Love Hina. But it didn't workout... *hates when that happends*
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