sugarpopgirl (hoshi )
2005-09-26 21:17:18
i forgot to say that i am eating dots, they are very good, the pink and yellow ones are my favorite
2005-09-25 20:03:41
hey its me again. today i did just about nothing. i finished my homework for tomarrow and drew a few pictures but thats about it. my dad said my dvd drive is broken so i can't put anime on my computer to make into a video till i get a new one
-.- that kinda sux....i saw a list for my buddies and realized i don't have any....that kinda sux too. i got a couple more hits...i hope thats a good thing...maybe people give me a hit cuz they don't like me and want to hit me <=( plz stop hitting me!
2005-09-25 01:11:42
hi...its me again...i see i got 7 hits....what the hell is a hit?! anyway, i know i have two journal entries today, but one was in the morning and this one is at night. i went shopping today and bought a bunch of inuyasha stuff^^ i think i'm getting better at this downloading thing, i watched a couple more AMVs and i really liked them, but i don't know how to review and what not. oh yeah, i also went to my cousin's house and ran around her neighborhood taking strange pictures. well i think thats all for today....its thundering really loud outside right now...anyway i'll try to remember to write another entry tomarrow. buh bye
what are you looking at
2005-09-24 11:16:57
ya, well last night (technically this morning) i got into this website called AMV...and i think i almost have it figured out...well i woke up this morning determined to download some stuff, but i can't do anything but direct download, which is better than nothing i guess. i tried making my own video, but i haven't figured out how to put clips from the actual anime yet so its all just pictures. h/o a min i have to go to the br...ok back, now where was i? oh yeah, AMVs, so how do you ask did i get into AMVs? well i'll tell you, its for the same reason i get into anything else: suzuka-chan did it first. i was over at her house yesterday and she showed me a bunch of videos she had downloaded and i decided that i wanted to dowload them too^^ suzuka-chan is the best! i think she has an account on this site but i don't know what it is yet...i just slapped a peice of fuzz on my shoulder that i thought was a what the hell are we soposed to write in here anyway? about AMVs or our lives like a regular journal entry? well i already talked about AMVs so i guess i could share a bit about my live right now...i played in the marching band last night at a football game, it totally rocked!!! eat the pirates eat raw! eat the pirates eat raw!!*hides from suzuka-chan* sry, inside joke...guess i shouldn't put those on stuff lots of people are going to read and no one is going to get...well i think i'm done, at least for now...ok bye.
Current server time: Jan 06, 2025 19:07:45