• 2008-03-13 16:41:42 snow is melting, right after that huge storm, i hope that will be end of it, theres still too much snow around though. I almost had a car accident since the snow is so high and some drivers cant see cars when they turn =/. Anyways, got to and from work alive, thats what matters =)

    Went to lunch with the other coops today, they wanted to go to an Indian Buffet (I'm not very good with spice), but I said, eh sure it should be an interesting experience. Well... i guess it was inevitable what happened... I'd say that pretty much half my meal was water =/. After trying some stuff I never wanted to touch that stuff again. I've actually had a similar experience before, although the one before was more like a death sentence, this one was livable, just not too tolerable for me.

    the dvd that i ordered finally changed its status to 'ready to be shipped'!!! =OO So happy because of that! It's been an unbelievably long wait and I really want to start this multi-month project, I think that might be soon ^^

    online course: jeez, acts of more dictatorship, those guys running the thing keep deleting any posts students make that criticize the course and methods of implementation. This course is supposed to help us write more professionally, and I'd say that this war between mentors and students has brought out the best of their professional writing skills, the stuff the other students are writing I'd say is pretty good o.o, although the mentors just delete all of them afterwards. It's a one sided argument no matter how well you write =/

    and I've made more cards =O, I actually found some more professional looking anime cards, but meh, I'm just making this stuff for fun, no need to look too fancy (i'm not even balancing some stuff)

    lastly, =O that haruhi genderbending forum on animesuki is getting like 10 pages/day, dunno if i can keep up at this rate XD 
  • 2008-03-12 17:37:22 coworker's youtube project has been cancelled, probably since they wanted someone professional to do it, or maybe they don't trust me enough =P. Eh, it doesn't matter anyways, its not like I really really wanted to do it.

    Other things:
    Genderbend of Haruhi? So weird yet interesting, some neat ideas and pictures ppl made there ;), I might keep up with this for a while.

    Online course- ....theres a war of flaming (in which i did not participate in :P) going on in the forums of my online course lately between the mentors and the students... students may have taken the quote from Maximus a bit too literally. Though I don't like the course myself and I don't like how some things were done, I wouldn't go as far as to flame the people running this, i mean, they control your mark o.o. And after a couple days of pitching fire at each other, the mentors have decided to delete all the posts except for their own and students who supported the mentors =/. That irked me a lot. They really shouldn't have done that, that's pretty much like hiding the truth of things or controlling the media, they should have just gotten rid of all the posts, since now they're giving a very bad impression upon themselves as if they will only listen to what they want to hear from students. And how did this mess all start out? just because of one question a student asked near the beginning of the project that was not answered until a week before the project was due (its like a 2 month project =O), and they had contradictory posts =/.... and they gave us the answer that made us do most work... and thus started the flaming... all within the last week. At least course is almost over... must... bear... with... it.... 
  • 2008-03-08 20:37:04 in the middle of a 36 hour snowstorm.... they predict 50 cm of snow, fun fun, and I've already hurt myself a bit shovelling :(. But seriously the lawn is running out of reasonable places to put snow, its like a meter high everywhere at least now ><

    don't feel like writing anymore, too tired from all the shovelling.... 
  • 2008-03-05 21:34:42 The weatherman/weather station lied again ><, they said it would only be 1-3 cm of snow and then when I wake up I see not a measly 1-3 cm but like 15 cm of snow... boo. The problem is not so much the amount of snow (well it actually kinda is), but the fact that the snow on the lawn is already taller than me means that I have to somehow throw it all the way over - without hitting any innocent person that may be walking by the sidewalk =/. And to top it off, the afternoon was much warmer, melting away the snow on the roads >< (but the mountain on the lawn remains).

    Time to bug hmv ppls =O, I sent off a 'help request' about my dvd not coming in yet (its pretty dumb for them to have to order the dvd when they have some in stock =/), so hopefully I can get that soon.

    Online course... omg... so we gave the slackiest person in our group the easiest job, and he still manages to do a half-assed job on it, I really feel like finding this guy and hitting him in the face... I mean, how hard is it to put multiple word documents into one??? He managed to miss out a lot of things (like full documents =O). I do not like how this is going....

    At least work was interesting (and that is so very rare!). I went with my supervisor and coworkers to the terminals to check on the roofs, since they were leaking apparently. Being part of the maintenance/facility personnel, I get to inspect the roofs, it makes me feel special that I can go into areas in the airport that say "authorized personnel only" :). What's funny was that the group of us were staring at the ceilings inspecting the possible leaks, and then the passengers waiting at the terminal were wondering what was going on, so they started to look up too XD. Eventually it looked like a large group of tourists fascinated at a few panes of glass XD. One of the passengers came up and asked: "Is the ceiling going to fall or something". That was so funny XD, and my manager jokingly replied with "It's still got a good 5 hours". I dunno if the guy took it seriously though since he said "Oh good, my flight leaves in 2 hours". Well, it was a very interesting and fun experience doing inspection work, we may go there again soon =O. 
  • long journal entry time, well not really too long =O 2008-03-03 17:50:24 well, my new amv is out:
    although its looking like I didn't do well on this one, so much for starting off the year with a small project ><

    anyways, in other news:
    damn, my dvd i ordered a month ago online at hmv still isn't here yet :(, and the status says "Goods have yet to be received from suppliers", which means they haven't even gotten it yet ><... it says it usually ships within 10 to 20 days, and in 3 days, it will have been 20+ business days, I really don't think they can ship it in 3 days... Online buying was my hope :(, it was the last dvd i needed for the series and that I couldn't find anywhere except online, and its for my more ambitious project this year (probably the only other video I'm going to release this year)... makes me sad, I'm going to have to really bug them about this probably.

    Well, actually there might be a problem with getting the dvd for them, but they should at least tell me that ><. I went to visit a small anime store nearby and I was asking the store owner if they had any other posters (all they had was bleach/naruto/death note, and I didn't feel like decorating my room with those =O). She told me that she probably wouldn't be receiving any new stocks soon because the US wouldn't ship to her store. I was like o.o, wth? She told me then it was because the US economy wasn't doing so well so they said that they wouldn't import anything to her small store. Well, maybe it has to do with it being a small store, but the US economy is not alone. As the US economy drops, the Canadian economy is following suit, just a little delayed as compared to the US. I really don't think this would affect my order from hmv too much though, since hmv isn't such a small company, and besides, there are plenty of hmv stores outside of my province that hold this amv ><><><.

    Online course isn't going too well either, the group project is due soon and some members are pretty much refusing to do work... I mean, come on, just because I don't actually see you so I can punch you in the face doesn't mean that you shouldn't do work, cuz if the team fails this project, we all fail, I hope they realize that. And i have to give one of these slacky members an evaluation as part of my assignment..... great, I hope i don't get too subjective.

    And to relieve stress I have been making more anime magic cards =O, the collection is growing!
    and yes, a lot of them are unfair/hax/rigged whatever you want to call it =P 
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