MeriC (Meri Cantoni)
Insert witty title here
2002-01-26 11:52:37
What a banner two weeks it's been. It's amazing to think how much things can change in such a short amount of time. Two weeks ago, I was enjoying an excellent job working for my university as a web author during winter break, with my boyfriend, no less! In addition to the great pay, one of my bosses from over the summer approached me, asking me if I wanted to be a part of his grant work, which will involve some experimenting and research regarding the efficiency of web sites... for $2000!! How could I say no to a chance to get some cash, and learn stuff at the same time? In additon, my boss also wants me and Mike to work with him during the regular semester as well! As it stands, the potential to earn a crap-load of money during the spring semester is very high. Goodie, now I can pay my dad back for the computer. Finally, I feel like people are appreciating what I do in a non-cyberspace environment. I mean...people at school wanna pay me to do web site work, and that's a great feeling. It's rare when I feel needed, so these kinds of opportunities are great.
Flash forward to last week. Winter break's over, and time for school to begin. I have the schedule from hell. Let's see, here's the deal: I'm not officially in my major yet. My major is an all-new degree program, called Information Technology and Informatics. Sadly, it's highly popular, and very hard to get in. I haven't applied yet, because I wanted to build up an impressive transcript and resume. So, it comes time for me to select coures, and naturally, I want to select IT classes. Here's the kicker: if someone's not in the major, you can't take the classes unless one gets what's called "special permission numbers." Fuck. So, what I did was sign up for 4 filler classes to fall back on, just in case I didn't get into any classes for my major with special permission. I wanted to try to get into 5 of them. Put 'em all together, and during the first week of school, I have *NINE* classes that I gotta go to. As the week went on, I narrowed the list, deciding what classes I did and did not want. I already had gotten special permission for one IT class, which is great, cuz one is better than none. Now, I figured if I can get into just one more, I'll be set, and can drop one of my filler classes. I really wanted to take this class called Networking and Internet Technology. I asked the teacher at the end of the class if he could enroll me with special permission. He said he'd try to, and he'd get bakc to me. He didn't. The second meeting of this class was yesterday, so I figured I'd go there and ask him what's up. However, it turns out he's sick, so class was cancelled! I felt a little better, cuz then at least I know maybe he wasn't feel so good, so he couldn't get back to me. But, lo and behold, I check my e-mail later that day, and he wrote to me saying I'm in the class! Yatta! Hmmm...maybe I won't end up in college for 5 years after all. I figure if I take more summer classes than I'm used to, and take 15 credits per semester of classes for my major for the next year, I can graduate on schedule. Pretty complicated, no? I guess I finally experienced what is know at my school as the "RU Screw," as in, getting screwed over with your classes. Despite that, I got into two classes for my major, without being officially enrolled in the major yet, so I feel damn good. I'm gonna send in my major application on Monday, hopefully. Now, I hope I just get IN to it. I'd better, since I've already completed more than half of the degree requirements. O_o So, in the end, this is what I'm taking this semester:
- Networking and Internet Technology
- Retrieval and Evaluation of Electronic Information
- Paris-Tokyo: 1700 to the Present (this is a really cool comparitive history class. On the first day of this class, we watched part of Akira! While I hate the movie, it is cool knowing that anime and manga are going to be integrated in this course!)
- Literary and Scientific Writings (AKA: Cyberlit) (this course is being taught by my cool boss from over the summer, who offered me the $2000 to work with him for his grant research. He's one of the best teachers ever. Highly, flamboyantly gay, very funny and outgoing, and one of the smartest teachers I've ever met. He's great, and Mike was abel to get special permssion for this class, so now I get to take it with him, too! Did you know that one of the textbooks for this class is a Pokemon Choose Your Own Adventure book? I shit you not. This course owns!)
I'm only taking 4 classes this semester, but that's OK. More time to work, I say! This is the only time I've ever taken only 4 classes in my whoel college career, so I think I should be just fine...I hope...unless I get screwed over again next year! I'll try not to think about it.
On a totally different note, last night was this semester's first meeting of the RUJCA, our school's anime club. We watched some of my Ayashi no Ceres DVDs, some Urusei Yatsura, and some other really bad show.. and some music videos! Every week, Mike brings in a tape of AMVs to watch, and it seems to go over well with the people there. Yesterday, we showed them my new music video (which I have not put online yet. I'll put it up after Katsucon). I think they liked it. It was neat to finally show it to a large number of people. I just wanna put it online now!
Speaking of AMVs, I ripped all the episodes for my next video. It's a fun video, very much the opposite of my last project (to debut in February! Stay tuned! Plug plug plug!). I just hope I can work on it sometime soon. With the way this semester is shaping up, that's doubtful.
Today or tomorrow, myself, Mike, and some non-anime club anime friends are going to New York to see the Escaflowne movie! The TV series is great, but I've heard the movie is very dark, and just...not that good. I don't care, I wanna see anime on the big screen! I did that with Akira last year when it was in theaters, and like I said before, I can't stand that movie. Hmmm..I wonder if I can convince the guys to go to Chinatown to do some shopping with me. What, 3 guys and 1 girl shopping? Not likely. OK, scratch that idea. :P
Alrighty then, I'd better get ready to head out! I'll try to give my opinion on the Escaflowne movie when I get back. ^_^
She works hard for the money
2002-01-15 11:16:20
I'm at work now....making big ol' bucks for doing school web site work. I'm working with my is good. :) Now I can actually buy nice things!
Over the weekend, I finally finished my big ol' music video. It took 32 hours to do over the course of 2 1/2 months. I'm feeling great about it. I've never worked so hard on a video in my whole life, and I'm so gosh darn proud of it, and I hope it shows through. :P However, I ain't posting it online until February, after Katsu. Want it to be a surprise, ya know? In the meantime, I'll find some other thangs to work on. This video, I think, it kinda out there. I tried a hella lot of techniques I've never used before in Premiere. More or less, this is my first video where I tried experimenting with the technical aspects of AMV making. Things are kinda subtle, but that's the point. I don't wanna be all like "ohhh, purty special effects!"'ll make sense when you see it. I just can't wait to post it, though! I wish Katsu was here... I just haven't been so excited about a video of mine since "Again" (and it takes A LOT for me to get excited about my own work, since I usually don't like how things turn out). But wow, this is different, and I like seeing the "Oh. Shit." looks on people's faces when I show them it. I can't stop gushing, I'm sorry. It's like my child! Or some damn thing.
So, I turn 21 tomorrow, whee! I know I'm gonna stick around with my family for a bit, cuz they got cake. I'll probably go out with Mike somewhere, and be able to do some legal actions. Darn, I feel old, but I still feel like such a kid. :P
Well, time to get back to work on that Dreamweaver tutorial for this university site. Oh joy! -_-
Update- I think I just wet my pants.
2001-12-06 19:35:00
Just read on that the rest of Utena has been licensed. Ho-lee-shit. I die now. *faint* How weird...and I was just saying to Mike yesterday how I hope it comes over to the U.S. so I can turn him into a true believer. Ah...this busy day just got a little brighter.
2001-12-06 19:31:03
Harper- You didn't know Big Big Truck was female? ou so silly! Didn't the name "Elizabeth" give it away in her "Failed Experiments" video? That's it, no free CD for you, bub. Nah, that would be cruel. I swear Mike and I will make it for ya...probably when finals are done. ;_; so sorry!
Well, my AMV project is kickin' into high gear. I am having my doubts about having it the way I want by the deadline. But, lord knows I love the pressure. I'm thinking about adding some thingies to make it more...out there. GAH! I hate being so cryptic in these entries about what I'm working on. I want this to be a secret, and at the same time, I wish I can go ahead and enter the video on the site. Gawd, to think I have to wait till February to debut it. I can't stand it, I wanna share it with people! Oh, the horror. I guess I'll have to work on something else after I finish this video to keep my mind offa things. And, I can work better when this semester is over. Speaking of such, I SHOULD get back to writing my Lit. paper..
Next Thursday and the Thursday after that, Mike and I are seeing The Get Up Kids, and Midtown, Mest, and Good Charlotte play, respectively. I'm excited, because most of those groups I haven't seen live yet. I just hope I can learn more of their songs, so I don't look like more of a moron than I already do.
Chris stopped by with his GameCube again last night. And again, the room got packed with people playing Smash Bros. Melee. I luv my widdle Link....but I always get my ass kicked. Well, I did come in 2nd once, against Chris who was playing as Zelda (oooooh, love battle, hiss hiss!!!). I'm still getting used to the controls. They're hard for me to learn, but at least it's not X-Box. :P Oh well, there's always tomorrow.
OK, NOW I need to get back to this paper. The sooner I finish, the sooner I can watch Family Guy and work on my video which I've been neglecting for a few days. Ta.
2001-12-05 00:42:00
Tonight is a flammin' wonderful night! Mike, myself, and Mike's roomate, Andrew (you may remember him from my last video the "All-Purpose DBZ Video") are sitting in their dorm room, just chilling, when our friend Chris comes running in, screaming like a school girl. In his hand...we see...a Gamcube controller! He tells us...there's *three* more waiting in Irv's room. Huzzah, for he has just bought a GameCube, Smash Bros. Melee, and Pikmin, and 4 controllers! Party time! In less than 5 minutes, a tiny dorm room is packed with at least 12 of us from the floor, and other friends. Let me say people...get a bunch of 20-year-old or so college students together, put 'em down in front of Smash Bros., and you got yourself one hell of a game party. My god, this game is insane!! And it's so much more fun when 4 people are playing at once, going nuts on each other. What's even better....I'M THE ONLY CHICK! Hell yeah! Ladies, if you ever wanna get men, play videos games. They'll appreciate you for it. That's how I snagged my man. Well...not completely. Let's just say the testoterone levels are through the roof, and I'm loving it.
Well, I DO have a class early in the morning, second period. Screw it, it's gonna be a long night. GameCube....GOD like. Who says it's just for kids!? ^___^
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