MeriC (Meri Cantoni)
Computers in the classroom: fun for all
2001-12-04 16:51:02
For someone who has 2 Adobe FrameMarker projects to do in one week, I think the last thing I should be doing is using this computer lab for my own insane purposes. One project is gonna be about the different campuses at Rutgers, and the other will bring the dorkiest out of me: a report on anime DVDs. Huzzah.
All this weekend, and Monday, I more or less worked non-stop on my new video. This is what I get for putting it off so long, heh. Did about 15 hrs. of work, and got 1:30 done in my video. Yatta, almost half way there! ...O_o Shoot me. Slowly but surely, this thing will get done by the deadline. When I'm taking an hour to get 10 seconds of video done... ai... it's stressful, but I am learning a lot. By far, I think this is the most powerful piece I've done yet. It's hell to work on, but so far, I think it's really worth it. And at the same time, I gotta re-make my last music video to send to a contest as per DokiDoki's request (*bow* I am not worthy, I am not worthy...). Of course, with the room we used the first time always friggin' being occupied, it's becoming impossible to do so. And then there's the finals situation. GASP! And then....I die. All this, and I STILL haven't reviewed Harper's videos, and sent him a CD! Sorry, dood.
Umm, OK, I think I should actually do my work now. That's my report of the moment. Like you care ^_- Go and play outside, dammit!
Being sick is like a terrible mind fuck without the drugs
2001-11-28 16:01:41
Head swirling....sore throat....icky dizzy. Oh yeah, I've got a cold. Now I'm stuck inside. But, that ain't a bad thing, cuz I wanna get a head start on a paper I have to do, and I can work on my Kastu submission ( it not good to only be 7 seconds into a project? *slaps self*)
Mike: You didn't do your history reading!? That's it, I'm coming over later, and I'll slap you silly. :P
Ohh la, my profile hit 2000. Big numbers. And here are more! I've only had my new All-Purpose DBZ Vid up for a week, and it's got 500 or something downloads. Don't I feel f-in' special. Maybe I would feel special if I didn't feel like utter shit. *whines for mommy* Meri wants more chicken soup! *collapse*
Thanks all around
2001-11-24 21:52:51
To dokidoki and TnAdct1: my gosh, you guys are *the men*. I'm honored you liked my new music video. You make me blush, sirs!
Tonight, my family and I went to Staten Island for some o' dat fab-u-lous NYC pizza. Let me tell you, NOTHING in this world beats pizza from the City, I swear. If it were humanly possible, I'd give some to everyone on this site. The trip was super fun, and after, we all went to my grandma's with the other relative-units, and looked at old photos of peoples. I had more fun than I expected. I usually find such get togethers to be total snoozers, especially when I saw the folks on Thanksgiving, but it was surprisingly (hey, I spelled it right!!!! Collge dun me gud speeling!!) fun.
One thing that was erie about the whole thing was driving by the Staten Island dumps: where they're relocating what remains of the World Trade Center. It's so terribly depressing to drive past that thing and only begin to wonder what horrible things those workers must find in that wreckage. Ooohh, gives me the shivers.
On a lighter note, I feel like doing some fanart. 's something I haven't done in a while, and perhaps it'll cheer me up. School starts on long, my wonderful break! I hardly knew ye!
to nailz1000
2001-11-22 17:26:21
Thanks very much, dude. I'm glad you enjoyed the new video. :) I'm totally astonished, actually. I think it's being more well received than I ever could have thought. I was thinking it might offended people, but so far, it hasn't. Dis is nuts!
Just had Thanksgiving dinner. Total fun over at the Cantoni house! Where else can you have a nice, classy looking, large, Italian family dinner, while making sexual jokes and giving thanks? It's wonderful mayhem, I tells you! My sister and I went to Blockbuster to rent some video games for our younger cousins to play. I kinda got caught up in Tony Hawk (gawd, if only I didn't suck at that), and then we all played together. It's cool that my younger relatives are getting older, cuz now we can all play video games. And we're all chicks! 'tis fun.
Well, gotta call my boy Mike and have him over for dessert, or else my mom won't stop buggin'. Ja!
Giving birth to evil and playing god
2001-11-21 13:35:11
Finished my music video at 3:40 am last night....woke up at various parts of the night to check on its encoding, and uploading. It's DONE! I take sigh o' relief now! But god, it was incredibly fun to make, and now I can get started on my super big project (actually this music video I finished is kinda super big, too. 5 minutes + long...hehe). I guess I can now say what it is: it's a parody video all about the stereotypical things that make DBZ videos suck. While I love DBZ with all my heart, and will always be an old favorite, I just love to poke fun at it. If you wanna see this wacky project, please check it out here:
SO, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. It's being hosted at my house, which is cool, cuz my dad's cooking is super. It's a super supper! *cough* It's weird not being at school. I was suposed to have one class yesterday, but the teacher cancelled, which was cool, cuz then I was able to record my live action footage for the music video. however, without going to school, I feel like my day is missing. But, at least I get to go to Mike's later. I can see his kitties, aw, cute lil' fuzzballs. OK, I'm sitting a robe, and I think I should put on an actual outfit. *sigh* ja.
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