JOURNAL: MeriC (Meri Cantoni)

  • Done! 2001-10-11 19:24:14 I just posted my new music video, all about Haruka from Sailor Moon (yes, another Sailor Moon video...don't ask why, ok?! I'm afraid I couldn't give you an answer. Maybe I went temporarily insane or something). It's called "Wind Outrunning Destiny"'s OK, I guess. I mean, I like it and all, and I think there's a decent enough story behind it, but this vid o' mine just isn't one of my favorites. Then again, I did just make it to kinda tide me over. With the coming of winter, I want to have some mighty big projects made, so I think this last video is the last small thing I'll have for awhile. From here on out, I'm gonna have to get to the point where I spend *months* per project. I haven't done that since "Again," so I'm really not used to it. I hope to have a lot of help and support, though. Lord needs I need my friends to maintain my sanity while I make music videos.

    I've got so many ideas in my head that just wanna burst out. I can't even really put into written words how frsutrating it is, actually. I really would like to make the videos I have in my head, but I can never bring myself to work on anything *really* big. This is mainly due to school, and just being burdened by the important things. On the plus side, all my major assignments have been done, so I was able to finish that Sailor Moon video, and begin planning for a project I wanna begin at the end of this month. Too bad that in 2 weeks, I'm gonna have an even worse school week than I had this past week.

    Bottom line: college keeps ya busy. I just don't mean socially. This year... life seems to really be preventing me from doing work on the computer. I'm definately thankful, of course, cuz doing so much computer stuff really is bad. But, that doesn't mean I *don't* wanna work on projects every once in a while. I can't imagine HOW the hell I did this stuff in high school, and managed to get good grades. If I pulled those stunts (like, updating my site every day, making a new video every *week*) in college, I woulda failed out years ago. Wow...I really cannot fathom doing that much work at this point. It's kinda nuts. Geez, I'm really rambling. I'm sorta in a typing mood. :P

    I'd love to list the video ideas I have, but in a way, I don't wanna make "promises I can't keep." That is, I don't wanna say, "oh, I'm gonna do such-and-such video," and never do it. I ALWAYS used to do that back in the day, like...I dunno, 2 years ago, on my site. So, I guess I'll just keep my videos ideas to myself, and to people who know me. Hell, a few surprises can't hurt.

    Hmm..I've really seen a lot of new anime lately, thanks to the RUJCA at Rutgers, and other sources. I just started Noir and Comic Party this week, both of which look very interesting and funny (respectively). If my site was moved (which it ain't) and I felt like updating it (which I don't, at the moment), I'd love to list all the new things I've seen in the last few months! It's sick to think of how many new shows I've gotten into. But then, I feel even MORE sick to think that other people have seen more than I have. Seriously, I don't know how they do it, lol.

    Shit, I haven't even started reading my new novel for my Literature class yet. Guess I'd better get off the damn computer, huh? Time to fly. if you managed to read this far, I applaud you! Maybe next time, I'll write something a little more coherent, like, something along the lines of an editorial or something! sure to check out my new vid, too! ^^ 
  • Hahaha! 2001-10-04 22:33:10 I'm gonna be a bitch and bump mah man VegettoEX's post, muwahaha! Nah, seriously, I was gonna write in here anyway...O_o suuuuure.

    OK, I'm gonna post my Carry On Dancing- Version 2 video up tonight or tomorrow. Stay tuned for that, please. I really like how this new version turned out. Simple, clear...nice.

    And now for my new segment: "Things That Piss Me Off in AMV Land"

    1) Cliques
    2) People who make a deal out of getting journal hits. O_o
    3) RealVideo files. I'm ashamed that was even my format of choice back in the day.

    Uhh...that's all I can think of for now. When I think of more, I'll add 'em here.

    So, I finished Kare Kano today w/ my boyfriend.......what a SHITTY ending. And I thought EVA left ya hanging! While the series was excellent, the ending was an utter disappointment. Don't worry, I won't spoil it for ya. :P Now, if only Mike will show me "Comic Party," I'll be set.

    This week's been mad busy, like I've been saying. I just finished up a 5 page paper, and I got a quiz and presentation tomorrow! Heh, I know I keep saying this...but...I *will* start a new video when I get free time! Man, I'm psyched about this one. Uhh...I don't wanna say what it is yet, though, heheh.

    Since I've been at the keyboard all night, I think this is all I can stand. Mmmm...I want some juice. 
  • Grand! 2001-10-03 01:07:04 Today is a grand day in the history of my Internet-ness. My household has finally gotten DSL. So, I'm going on a rampage and downloading AMVs, naturally. Hmm...I am in some serious need of recommendations. I've seen most of the well-known, popular shiznit, but I'd love to check out some hidden gems (and speaking of "gems", I just downloaded a "Jem" music video. FREAKY! I *will* make my own Jem and the Holograms music video some day, rest assured). Hmm...what's ironic is that my DSL connects faster than the Ethernet in my boyfriend's dorm. How's that for stoopid? *Almost* makes me glad I'm a commuter! ^^ Heheh, sorry Mike-chan-sama. 
  • At school 2001-10-02 16:32:21 So, I'm using the computer in my Information Design class before we get started. Pretty fun... well, I have 3 papers and 1 test due this week, and a 10 minute presentation to give in my Lit. class on German literature. Huzzah! With that said, finishing my Sailor Uranus video (which has been in limbo for about a month) and starting my new, fun secret project are out of the question. Other things take precedence, ya know? I just hope I can make it out alive!

    On a side note, I'm about to finish off Kare Kano this week. That is one dman excellent series. I'd expect nothing less from Gainax! I just can't wait to get it on DVD when it comes out.

    Oh yeah, Inu Yasha and Ayashi no Ceres are great series, too. That's my recommendation of the day.

    OK, time to get to work now. I guess when I have something meaningful to say (which isn't now), I'll do so....:) 
  • Weekend fun 2001-09-29 11:18:41 Wow, it's been a while since I've used this thing! I've been busy with school (*non-stop* is a wonderful thing), and trying to move my site to my new host (plug: stay tuned to the all new! whee!). But, this week, I managed to make my Version 2.0 of "Carry On Dancing", which is one of my favorite videos from last year. I barely changed anything about it from the original, except for capturing the footage from the Sailor Moon R DVD at 640 x 480, and making the timing a tad more tight. Despite the few changes, I am really pleased with the result. Aaaand, the re-make of this video only took 8 hours! Heheh, yeah, this wasn't one of those videos that caused me a lot of stress. Anyway, the reason I re-made this video is because my friend Scott Melzer (who made the winning DBZ "This is Your Life" video for Otakon), asked me last week if me and my boyfriend (Mike "VegettoEX" LaBrie) were gonna go to Neko-con in somewhat near-by Virginia. He also said they were hard up for music videos. While I'm not sure if I'll attend the con yet, I did ship off my new re-make of "Carry On Dancing", along with my Cowboy Bebop "These Girls Are Crazy" video. Mike sent in his new Kiko-chan's Smile amv, too. I wanted to submit something that wasn't "Again." :P Soooooo, we'll see how that goes.

    I have SO many papers, projects, and exams this week, so I dunno if I'll be able to get started on my new video. Meh, 's no big deal. Well, time to do weekend errands!  
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