JOURNAL: MeriC (Meri Cantoni)

  • gotta get back to work! bad AMV journal! 2002-08-05 15:23:48 Wow, I suck! I was doing some web design at work, fixing up some tables and CSS styles... took a break... and I *absolutely* forgot what I was doing and lost my break. Dang, now I remember why I never take breaks.

    Well, Otakon has come and gone, and I still haven't even written up a report yet? Or for Shoujocon! The two are starting to blend together, and I'm forgetting things. Gah, again with the forgetting!!

    What I do remember is seeing old AMV peeps again from the weekend before at Shoujocon, and meeting new people. Everyone seems really nice, but I didn't get a chance to hang out with 'em much cuz we were busy with Parody stuffage. Ah well, AWA will be a completely different story! Ummm, oh yeah, and Hsien has a friggin' deep voice. It's cool. ^_-

    Amazingly, Mike and I got rid of all 50 CDs (plus the 40 from Shoujocon, so we ended up giving out 90 in one week. O_O never again!!!)

    Ummm... lesse... our Cowboy Bebop / "The Professional" trailer played right before the parodies Saturday night. It went over surprisingly well. I feel like I was gonna puke with those hundreds of people watching. But, the reaction was incredible, and just what we wanted, so I felt a little less sick. I *loved* doki doki's Aquaman/Adult Swim eyecatch. Friggin' hilarious. And Vic's trailer was also the coo' shiznit, although I had already downloaded that before Otakon. :)

    Oh yeah, and I met up with Mirai MM (Chris) in the dealer's room!! It was friggin' hilarious. I was walking around with some friends aimlessly, when he says "excuse me, are you Meri?" and I say yeah, looking all confused. Then Mike, who is inherently more observant than me in situations like these says "it's Chris." After a few seconds, I realize who it is, and a happy meeting is had by all. I love putting a face with a name with friends from online.

    This year, I went to MST3K and the cosplay for the first time (last year, we somehow missed them). They were pretty funny. My fave part was seeing Matt Pyson playing Dr. Forrester. 's funny, I think we ran into Matt more than anyone else at the con. He was always running around like a madman with his bad-ass con-staffin' self.

    One thing that bugged me about the con is the fans themselves. When are people gonna realize that "chair" isn't funny? God, I wanna hit something.

    I know I'm forgetting so much, much, MUCH more stuff. But, I'll write the report when I'm done with current video editing stuffage.

    And on that subject...

    We're about 65% done with our DDR project video. God, "Smoke" is hard to work with since.. they lyrics are unintelligible. But, I'm very pleased with it so far. I can't wait to work on it some more after work, when we get into the mad fun action-y part of the video.

    K, that's that. Umm.. hope I got something more useful and interesting to say about the conventions at a later date in which I can sit down, actually *remember* things, and reflect on shiznit. Laters! 
  • "Otakon's tomorrow, and rooms are 700 bucks a night!" 2002-07-25 15:50:28 Oooh, the big day is upon us! I'm still recovering from Shoujocon, and now it's time to go to another one! Hell, I have still yet to write my Shoujocon report (and I definitely want to, since it was one of the best ones I've ever been to).

    Lesse.. I think we're gonna bring about 50 AMV CDs to give out at the con, since we gave out 40 at Shoujocon, amazingly enough, and we needed to make more. Ah, panel-ness is fun promotion. ^^ Still don't know what the party situation is yet. We're probably gonna end up in Scott's room if it comes down to it. Har har, I'm sure he'll *love* that. :) He claims he can't throw a party, but we'll see about that.

    I'm looking forward to seeing old and new friends from last weekend, in addition to all those I'm gonna see for the first time (Tim, Ian, w00t!). We'll be hitting the road at 7-ish tomorrow morning. What joy. Here's hoping I can get to the con and back this year without getting into a car accident! Damn parking lot.

    Mike and I super duper absolutely finished our new music vid yesterday, and he shipped it in the mail to AWA today. I can't wait for people to see it! It's my new fave video of ours, definitely.

    Oh yeah, here's my new Ceres video!

    *end plug*

    So, see y'all at Otakon! 
  • Ayashi no Ceres, whee! 2002-07-22 10:22:52 New video's up:

    And junk and stuff and junk.

    Shoujocon report to come when... I'm not at work. 
  • Work work work 2002-07-11 15:38:46 SSI is godly. I just fixed up a huge portion of a web site at work in an instant. Plus, I had some fun figuring javascripts and forms, all on my own! The best job is when you learn shiznit *and* get paid! buwahahah. So yeah, I love my job.

    Anywho, I've had a surprisingly amazing week. Due to some super spiffy circumstances, looks like I'll be heading off to AWA this September. I never thought in a gazillion years (or until I'm rich, whichever comes first) that I'd be able to go down to AWA for any reason. Buuuut, some things have occured that now force me to go. And that's neat. I can't wait to share stuff with y'all. But I can't, cuz I'm gonna shut up now. So ha.

    Mike and I showed our new video from last week off to some test audience peeps, and got some good feedback on how to improve it. *sniff* I really do love it more than my Otakon vid, so... we'll have to find something to do with this thing.

    And speaking of that sneaky fellow Mike, he surprised me with a nice thing! He managed to get our Bebop / "The Professional" video shown at Otakon at some point, I guess during fan parodies (had we the time, a new fan parody would be made, but we're still reeling from "Otakudom," which I'm glad to say is going to be most likely available on VCD for Otakon!). So yeah, if we can work something out in terms of video placement, look forward to that vid at Otakon at some point. 2 weeks away! Eeek! And Shoujocon next week! Ahh!

    Heh, for Shoujocon, our AMV panel will be from 5-7 pm, and the AMV contest from 7-9 on Friday. Not cutting it TOO close, eh? :P

    OK, I'm done talking (eer, writing). Thinking about AMV/convention stuff hurts me widdle brain. 
  • Current state, blah blah 2002-07-06 11:30:14 Mike and I are currently half-way done with our new music video. I'm really liking this thing, because it's not as tech/edit-intensive as my last two projects. Just good ol', down to earth story telling! Gonna kick it old school! And so, since it's not edit-crazy, we've been able to work on it for about 10 hours over the last few days. At this rate, we could be done with it by the end of the weekend. Whatta way to spend our days off from work. :P Also got to go swimming and bake in the sun, getting a nice tan, to boot! Anywho, problem with the video is, we're gonna have to sit on it until September, since we'll probably wanna send it to AWA or AXNY, depending on which conventions we go to (hopefully both).

    Just read about the AX contest debacle. Sucks to be there. Glad I live on the east coast. :P

    Sooooo, yeah. Dat's what I'm doing. I can't wait to put my new video online after Shoujocon and Otakon. I haven't posted an actual new video (not counting the trailer) since February. I just hope people will actually wanna watch it, since it's kinda... different. Whatever, we shall see. 
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