JOURNAL: ProphetDK (Richard Marshall)

  • 2006-07-06 16:41:56 hmm ok AX is now done, now to encode and send in my amvs for logging.

    AX was fun and i didnt spend my entire lot there... but did pick up a few titles that I had my eye on.

    AMV material.. lol

    ciao for now and have fun! 
  • 2006-06-03 11:56:03 AX is about a month away and I am going ^_^ everything is setting up nicely for, so far. Just a little bump in the fact that our second room had last hour cancelations. We'll have to adjust the arrangements to make things even.

    need to send in a video to anime vegas.

    ciao for now 
  • 2006-05-25 00:52:19 Sent in two vids to AX, I hope they fair well. I wanted to put in 3 but time and encoding was not on my side, and I like a lil more time to finalize new projects. Hmm...


  • Not dead... 2006-04-25 20:27:49 Well I'm not... jsut not been on this logging for a while. The project I was working on has gotten a few laughs and the latest one is getting some runn around..

    The timing seems to be off in the rift... to me at least.. Will tweak some more..

    Have been getting some good Quick comments, thank you for watching.

  • oi... 2005-10-11 11:43:20 For some reason my new project incoding isnt coming as fast as I'd like it, bit distracted by other things... but I will push myself this weekend to finish it up.

    This is the only thing I really dont like when making a video. the encoding. Its the prepatory work, but it needs to be done. Like in modeling the set up with the little bits, shaving the rough edges off and making sure that the glue and primer are set to use.

    To the person that couldnt view "wonka-vision" and left a quick comment. Hmm I'm stumpt... I have had some problems with Real player trying to open one of my files i sent out, but they forced it to play in the DivX player and it worked fine, Maybe thats a solution (If you recieving the same problem) Oh and possibly update DivX and/or install the Xvid viewing codec? (macs Divx codec for somereason hates some xvid files until you specifically instal the codec)

    I started a livejournal a while back,

    Other bits of ramblings from me, other than AMV related (mostly :) ) 
Current server time: Dec 26, 2024 11:48:43