HyperMana (Anzu Ilania)
2005-11-12 15:19:27
I uploaded two banners today. They suck really bad. GOSH! WHY DOES EVERYTHING I DO HAVE TO SUCK! WHHHHHHHHHHY?!
If even one of them gets a worthy vote I'll be very happy. They suck donkey but.
On the bright side, at least I'm adapting to the forum! ^_^
~Mana: the bumbling idiot
Getting used to this
2005-11-10 21:01:06
Keh. I've recently started posting on the messageboard. I'm trying not to come off as annoying, but I don't think it's working. *sniff* I'm such a nuisence!
- This ends the short ramble
Anime is taking over!
2005-11-06 13:22:31
Greeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. My anime life is taking over. It's all I can think about! Especially Inuyasha. My normal friends are being driven insane. Everything I talk about ends up being about Inuyasha. WHY?!
...oh well. Not like it's a bad thing.
~So ends the daily (*cough*weekly*cough) ramblings of Mana
Current server time: Jan 03, 2025 23:32:10