eh...sorry? ._.;;
2005-11-01 21:44:02
eh i havent been on that much lately...^^; cause things around me keep happening O.O and im taking some final 6weeks tests
i hate mondays =_=
2005-10-17 22:40:27
well lets see i got rejected yet again,so hopefully 4th time will be a charm and my friend was crying today because her mom ran over a squriell(sp?) ._.;
eghr sunday school @_@
2005-10-16 18:00:18
blah i hate sunday school cause its so hard --; i cant speak or understand viet sadly T.T
"Please provide more details as to why this video should be deleted."
-twitch- how much detail do they need? oh well i keep trying even though i got rejected they say 3rd time is a charm ^_^
2005-10-15 19:33:58
most of my friends went on a chruch camping trip T.T
i can hear the lonely song playing.....
ugh darnit they wont let me delte the four seasons one >___<
i'll keep trying,i wanted to add these clips of inu and sesshy fighting from the very first season of inu on there
2005-10-14 20:56:11
@_@ what takes so long for this delete request thing to get through x.x
im trying to delete the four seasons vid cause someone thinks i supposly stole it from some site that i did not know of until now (guess you do learn new things everyday like they say big or small XD) i guess since i have nothing else to do i will just remake everything and reupload it later so these people wont be going around calling me robber and all that ebil stuff --;
ok i think this will be my last post for the day......
or is it? dun dun dun
Current server time: Jan 02, 2025 16:06:16