Jason 00
Same old stuff
2004-09-28 02:11:22
Welll my time off for vacation is almost over.>_< However it was paid vacation time.^_^
I have completed assembling my new editiing computer which I hope to learn After Effects on. *_* I have a video in mind to do that would be a good trail run for it.
I have'nt really done much during my time off. I went to AnimeIowa mainly because it was only a two hour drive away. The AMV's they showed were horrible and did little to keep the audience entertained. I mean no one clapped or said boooo or anything. I just wanted to yell out "What The Hell!!!" "How About Hitting The Beats!!!"
The dealers room was nice as well as the video rooms which played different anime episodes all weekend. It in no way takes the place of AWA. I just wish it did'nt take me 12 hours to get to Atlanta.
Oh well time for sleep now ~_~.....ZZZZZZZZ
2004-09-04 14:15:35
It's almost done! No more test projects no more Photoshop!
I am going to render the project one more time to make sure I am happy with everything. Then add in my studio bumpers and hopefully be done with this thing. "Imperfect Angels" will see the light of day.
It's coming along!
2004-08-15 01:53:00
Well it's down to the last little bit on the timeline, the end!
Well the original ending (which I thought would look good) actually looked like crap >_<. So it was back to the drawing board for ideas, which I now have ^_^! However this new idea will involve removing the background from 161 frames ~_~ I have already completed two frames in Photoshop with good results. This process gets boring after a while but, IT WILL LOOK GOOD in the end. I wish I could fix the ending as quickly as I rearranged the beginning. I would like this video to not only be entertaining but also display what I have learned as an editor over the past two years. My editing time has suffered some what because of work. Mainly ME >_< staying up late to edit and not getting enough sleep. This in turn means I get up late 6AM or so instead of 4:30 or 5AM. I am supposed to be at work by 7:00AM but, this is not manditor as long as I am ready to go to my first call by 8:00AM. It's that last part that has suffered somewhat, rushing around in the morning to be on time while everyone else sips coffee because they showed up an hour earlier. I hope that people are not seeing me as unorganized or lazy, I am still getting all my work done without asking for extra time. So editing is now pushed back to the weekends or when I get home early (or the day off)!
I really want to finish this vid, however I can not allow my job (which I need ) to suffer because of it. I get a great deal of enjoyment out of creating and watching AMV's and I don't want that to change. I just need to keep things in proper proportion. Oh well it's Saturday night so back to Photoshop and "work" be damned.*_*
2004-07-31 12:48:59
Final a free weedend to edit. Although a small part of me wishes to be at Otakon. Trying to get a weekday off from work right now is like trying to get blood from a turnip. However, last Wednesday I worked in the office instead of in the field. They asked me if I did'nt mine going home at noon because they did not want me getting to many office hours. That's because there is no one to bill for that time.$_$ They were acting kind of weird when they asked me, like they were affraid I might go off or something.We have had a lot of people quit because they just could'nt get along with the management. But, I was like Half A Day OFF! Hell Yeah!
Well it's back to Premiere for me.^_^ The video is still coming along well IMO. Still fooling with a couple of ideas for the ending but all is well.
Damn I.E. Browser Hijackers
2004-07-05 16:29:21
The Cool-Web-Search Hijacker (Trojan) is a real bitch to remove from Windows. I spent most of last week trying to research the two new variants of the program so that I could remove them from clients computers. The main .dll (Trojan) for the program enters through one of the many vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, either Java or the It gains read and write privileges to the "Local Hard Drive" and puts itself into C:WindowsSystem32 (XP) or C:WINNTSystem32 (NT/2000) as an "Archive" file so it can not be found. This trojan then modifies Notepad.exe and can prevent either SpywareBlaster or the BHO installed with SpyBot S&D from running. It then adds a new .dll into the System32 folder which can be seen by viewing hidden folders. This .dll is the hijacker and attempts to make registry changes and add a new toolbar into I.E.. Thank God for the resident built into SpyBot S&D which catches these changes before they can take affect. In some cases I was able to find the registry key of the hidden trojan here > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindows\AppInit_DLLs <
Once its found I can use an Emergency Repair Disk to boot from the CD-ROM drive instead of the Local Hard Drive. In this way all archive files will remain visible. Within the registry key will be the trojan files actual name. After I have the name I can delete it with the E.R.D. Just in case you are wondering while you read this, the CoolWebSearch Shredder does not work for these. However Lavasoft's Ad-aware 6.0 does a good job at catching some of it.
They can drive you nuts @_@ trying to find them and remove them.
Well this stuff cuts into precious editing time, but what can I do?
The video is still coming along and I am pleased with it so far.
It should have already been done thought! >_<
Well will float on, good news is on the way.
(Modest Mouse - Float On.mp3)
The Fireworks and Bar-BQ on the 4th were fun. Good times all around ^_^
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