JOURNAL: SilversLightning

  • 2008-11-19 14:24:55

    I'm not at all a Haruhist but I found this amusing o.O 
  • OMG Lawls :O 2008-11-18 14:24:20

    I think the people at the YGO Abridged Website are really bored or something because the new video was to 'encourage' people to send in AMVs

    yeah have fun watching really crappy YGO AMVs XD!!!!!!!!!!!

    you asked for it :O

    I sent in my crappy YGO AMVs just for shits and giggles. and so that Kaiba could rickroll them lawls. and pharaoh fanservice is fun too I guess :/

    I'm bored too :/

    (I was really seeing if the email they gave was real or not o.O) 
  • 2008-11-17 15:29:39 @ Katie: I saw the Phoenix Wright one but not the YGO one :O

    now I'm used to the new forum and still have to fix meh sig. oh well, I'll do it....eventually.


    I have some new dragon eggs now as well as some new adults. I even bred an egg now, it's the new stone one near the bottom.

    what surprised me the most was that the name Rinoa Heartily wasn't already taken by someone o.O

    but apparently both L Lawliet and Light Yagami are both taken as names o.O bloody bizarre if you ask me. maybe if I get a new male dragon I should try to name it Squall XD

    but I think since Death Note is new then those names would be taken before an older game like Final Fantasy 8 but still....I was kinda surprised o.O

    I was also surprised Pharaoh Atemu wasn't already taken. who knows?

  • 2008-11-17 04:33:28 the new forum looks a little weird o.O

    maybe it;s because I'm not wearing glasses o.O

    *puts glasses on*

    there we go. much better

    but yeah every post is marked new on my browser now so I can't tell what's actually new or not o.O

    and my sig is all messed up but I'll fix that later :P

    now....about the running out of space on kero....was that ever fixed o.O 
  • 2008-11-16 09:54:30

    a video about why the term 'epic fail' fails XD XD XD 
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