2008-09-20 14:16:35
and why is it that every time I download the song for the V-day mep there's a part where the song skips? is it supposed to do that or did I just download like 5 shitty versions?
it's If your not the one by Daniel Bedingfield. but it sucks because it's in the part that I wanna use.
I'm PMSing >(
2008-09-20 10:51:46
I can't read I suck
I should do I what I suggest
*crawls into a hole and dies*
Ha Ha.....
2008-09-18 13:49:58
I got to wish Happy B-day to Krisqo first >)
2008-09-17 18:32:03
this is what happens when bullshit meets having too much time on your hands. just a random rant about music.
Zomg :O
2008-09-15 15:54:45
Yesterday I went to Suncoast to see what their "anime day" is like (it's really just a sale on anime :( ) but anyway....
The one guy that was working there that always seems to catch me while I'm there was asking me about Slashapalooza for the girl that was working there. he couldn't remember what it was called since we talked about it a while back.
so I was trying to explain it to her and he asked what anime was in it. I was like, "I dunno, I can't remember..."
wtf? I can't remember the anime in a vid that I made? Alzheimer's much?
anyway I ask Chris what I put in Slashapalooza and he's like, "Why don't you just so them?"
I kinda forgot he put Slashapalooza on his video/mp3 player ^^;;;; anywho they really got a kick out of it! yay moral boost! I even made the girl wanna download the song >) and then they were like:
"I wanna have some of your vids shown here?"
um, lemme think....................duh! or at least some of my newer ones.
but it was funny because they were commenting on how well edited Slashapalooza was and I was thinking about the org I was wondering how it was well edited. o.O
Yeah sure it is for boobtube but the org? have they even SEEN some of the other vids on this site?! they kick my videos ass!
but still, it was nice to get two random people to laugh :)
btw, is it bad to want another person to also win in a smexy contest? cuz I sees L and I lub and wanna glomp him and stuff :O
I think L and Atemu are about equal now :O :O :O
List of the Top 5 fav bishies (in order of how much I like them:)
1. Atemu
2. L
3. Sephiroth
4. Yue
5. Allen Schezar
:O :O :O :O
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