blantantly obvious but...
2007-07-18 20:14:49
when will the new banners be up? I'm asking since sensei is dying in anticipation here :/
do you peoples really wanna make him sad? :(
eeerrrrr......don't ask though. he's just curious or something :P
2007-07-16 18:14:06
getting some editing done on meh vid. It seems like a habit lately that I pop on the org right before editing for the day. The only exception is the last couple of days since I was doing on something else. But each time I go for hours editing and knock out another chunk in the vid I'm working on currently. Next one probably won't take AS long, but will require as much effort. I just think it's fun *^_^*
2007-07-16 10:56:14
I'm bored :/
2007-07-15 14:02:26
Happy Birthday Katie. Hope it's filled with some hawt snarry smex =D
2007-07-13 20:12:50
pretty colors
Current server time: Jan 30, 2025 21:55:00