2007-06-25 14:02:21
I'ma gonna start editing again soon. I have to change a cut but that means deleting about hour and a half long worth of work, but that's what AMV's are, they are a labor of love.
At least I'm editing again :)
2007-06-24 00:41:03
I actually edited something today o.o
Yeiweh is getting glasses???? o.O
2007-06-23 14:01:05
Yeah it's true. Sometime next week I'm getting my new glasses in. Basically the eye doc told me I was blind XD no srsly I'm just nearsighted. Anything past 2 feet I'm fucked >( Oh yeah and bright lights blind me (kinda already knew that)
But that's also why I had such a short attention span: because my eyes couldn't see and my brain would just shut off. Ha, go figure. Anyway I'll take a pic wearing my new specs. I'm actually going to be wearing them full time, especially at the comp since the prescription reduces glare.
Fun *^_^*
Anyway if anyone was wondering why I don't come on very often anymore, there's actually a couple of reasons for that:
1. The comp is in the basement and not in my room anymore so I don't just go straight on it like I used to.
2. I have a life (ha)
3. I've been making new friends and stuff and spending more time outside than in.
But yeah that's kinda why. But #1's kinda the main reason because if I REALLY wanted to use the comp I would climb down a couple of flights to do so. I'm lazy I know :P
I've finally got a solid idea for an AMV. It's about damn time. It only took what, 4 months? Negi is kinda going into the lost AMV section. I just lost interest in that one. But this one I think will keep my interest because it is a challenge and will (unfortunately) turn me into a bit of an effect whore :P
but srsly I never overuse effects anyway. they just fit the idea.
I've also been playing Final Fantasy X for the first time. Why the hell am I playing that when there's 12 out? Because I haven't had a chance to play this one yet because I didn't own a PS2 believe it or not. So I want to at least play this before moving on to 12. I heard X-2 was boring so I'm not interested in that one anyway. and they turn the girls into sluts I heard.
Unless someone can provide a GOOD argument in defense of X-2 *shrugs*
At first X was like, huh? But then I got what was going on, and it's probably confusing because the main character (which is a whiny little prick) is confused and I guess that's to make the playing audience sympathize with him. Or something like that 0_0
It's okay so far but WAY too easy. I miss Final Fantasy 8, that was the only one that was a challenge for me. Plus I love the romance :P
I guess I should start editing now if I want this video done before the end of the year :P
2007-06-18 18:46:47
Awww I missed Camillia's B-day :( Happy Belated B-day. Damn don't have anything either, shit :( :( :(
I really should start editing....something....
It's been too long.
2007-06-14 22:44:25
wanna know something funny? I had a mild asthma attack today. yay. (sarcasm) rolls eyes and laughs. but srsly wasn't that fun. I hate them. I'll get used to the clearer air eventually :P
Current server time: Feb 27, 2025 18:45:45