JOURNAL: Daio Kaji (Rogelio Duran)

  • randomness 2004-10-29 00:04:58 i wonder what it's like in arizona
    my dad's been there to visit family and he basically said it's dry and hot
    (not humid... big plus)

    if i go down there since i've never been, i wonder if it'd be kule to stay with my family there... i guess there should theoretically be no problem

    if i liked it down there, i would have to look into skuling and also a job.... but i just started my way into getting a new job here in aurora...

    my family's never been apart for that long, if half of us went on vacation, it'd be for a month at most. so if i went to skule there, that's already like half a year, what about a full year, i'm sure they'd miss the hell out of me, mostly my sister and probably my emotional dad, but i'd e-mail them (beats writing... though they'd like the paper that they can hold onto)

    live in arizona.... hmmmm
  • emotionally cut off 2004-10-19 00:58:24 okay, so americans are emotionally cut off compared to other countries
    i can probably agree with that, but only to an extent

    we're not emotionally cut-off completely, like flint said, there's plenty of emotion in news and entertainment, more so now than ever

    so we're not like emotionless robots, we all still have core values and morals and there are LOTS of people in america who have developed friendships within the same gender which will last forever.

    i guess you'd be comparing american culture to japanese since this is an anime-based site and we've been discussing relationships in AMVs

    across anime, there are plenty of deep relationships, but that doesn't mean that the US doesn't show them as strong

    in movies is where i've seen them the most, not just emotions, but inner conflicts and social problems being addressed and mainstream films are very much high quality though like everything they have their shit-piles depending on who makes them

    Television depends on what you watch, but that's just the same for anime
    don't know if i'd get beat up or picked on for saying it, but i was a HUGE fan of the old show Home Improvement with Tim Allen, one of the most emotional and addictive shows ever and it was just about family

    and just with the fact alone that we in the US search out these 'good' anime is proof enough that we recognize quality and we aren't blind to emotion, rather we craze it more because we sumtimes like it in our society

    i'm not gonna negate that materialism reigns supreme in these parts and that most people would rather pay 5 dollars for a cup of coffee than volunteer at a soup kitchen for an hour

    i know that i'm an optimist for saying that people have morals and can still feel emotions deep down and i know that flint is also an optimist for believing that there's good in this world beside all the crap-piles but it's not as bad as you kinda made it out to be, the world is filled with both good and evil, knowledge and ignorance

    our generation isn't fucked, it's much better than the last few i'd say and hopefully it'll only get better

    it's like they say, the only thing that's certain is that NOTHING is certain 
  • mr maturity 2004-10-18 21:19:30 lol... well nandez, ur tone has greatly improved and ur less of a jerk ;)

    you're learning to accept people for who they are... now you just have to learn to understand HOW they are so you can accept them fully

    good to see ur not just bashing in ur journal anymore, but let's see what the future (and any other journal) holds 0_0 
  • stop it nandez 2004-10-18 20:28:17 u know what ur doing and ur just bringing negative attention to urself
    sure it's ur journal and u have as much of a right to post in it as i do for my own as i'm doing right now, but try not to be so quick to judge ppl

    i think ur venting ur thoughts before u really understand what you're discussing

    obviously a person wouldn't believe that every male-male relationship in anime is yaoi, i'm sure Ari has enough of a grasp on reality to know that relationships are between people and not their genders

    like you urself posted, a guy can have a deep relationship with another guy and that would make them like brothers in a non blood form, we all know this and saying Ari can't see it isn't right

    she's already defended herself nicely and you just make it easy for her to diss you right back. another thing.... this is the internet, if you're gonna exagerate, put sum sort of smily or [bracket] to let ppl know ur being sarcastic or otherwise non-sincere, if you don't, then people who read ur post will have no choice but to believe ur using a serious tone

    you and ari both have the capacity to understand anime and relationships with people in anime (and hopefully real life 0_0) so it's pointless to call each other sick, Ari makes her vids because she has the creative impulse and i talk with you personally so i know ur not as thick-headed as you make urself out to be sumtimes -_-
  • AMV Commentary 2004-10-15 01:13:53 my friend j.alana is really sumtin else
    i'm just in awe sumtimes when i sit back and see what she's done for the AMV community, i don't want to give her a big head or anything, but she's come a long way and has given back to the community as much as she takes and then some

    she's made HUNDREDS of AMVs and not always for herself, she's made them outta request and outta charity and even for kids in hospitals to entertain them with, i mean, how many of us can say we make kids happy with our AMVs? i think most of us make AMVs ultimately for ourselves and we usually strive for sum higher purpose when we make our AMVs that have complicated story lines and deep meaning, but it's rare to see a simple music vid become successful

    but besides creating vids to make other people happy, she's started clans bak in the winmx days (the 420's) and now has her own website with her studio co-founder Pac_Man121
    and the site isn't even just their's, it's a site for them, but also for the other members of J&P which J takes upon herself to guide them on how to make vids when they have questions
    and the site even how has a Bitching Station (message board) similar to our Forum so people now have another place to use as a resource when they have questions

    J's been one of the most charitable AMV creators that i've ever met and it's just amazing when i actually think that i've known her since the winmx days like at least 4 years ago, i remember that i was barely starting out and she gave me feedback on my first projects and saw potential in me (potential that i am still yet to fullfill in my own eyes)

    i'm not gonna say that J.alana is the top editor on this site, i believe she's still very much refining her skill, but she's got some of the most heart that i've ever seen and it's just one of those friendships that you can't believe exists because you've only ever talked online

    but her and i know stuff about each other and our personal lives, so i guess we make the extra effort to become closer than just chat-buddies, i know i'll NEVER get close to making the number of videos that she makes, but i'd be glad to just make videos that have the amount of heart that she puts into hers

    of course the MAIN reason i made this entry is to talk about the latest contribution that she's made to the world of AMVs, J's started this little hobby of making Video Commentaries on AMVs she's made, i think it's really an interesting idea to have a video for people to watch that can make them understand ur purpose/intention and see what you went through and what went through ur head as you made a video.
    i wonder if this will spark a wave of (old-skule) editors to go back and make their own commentaries on videos and talk about what their purpose and tribulations were during the editing process

    i don't think people have done it before with AMVs so i think she's be the 1st to do it and i'd be nothing but happy for her if it turned out to be a landmark in AMV history... at least to die-hard fans that is, ye Nandez, we're kule too, ur just too much of a youngen to get a journal entry devoted to ya yet ^_^
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