JOURNAL: Amizadai (Lee Amizadai )

  • WITH MIND BULLETS!! ~ Tenacious D 2002-07-31 22:46:26 Saturday morning Wally surprised me with an appointment at spa. "Because you're always having headaches," he said. It was one of the sweetest things he's done for me. I was so touched I actually leaked tears into my rosemary and lavender bathwater. I have NEVER EVER cried over a present.

    The place was really nice - they'd made it look very zen, and they were playing some new-agey track. But I found it hard to relax. It's not easy to do so when you're in the buff in an unfamiliar place. And it doesn't help when they tell you that you only have a half hour in the tub, no matter how gently the nice lady tells you. So I was sitting in the hot water, thinking, "Only 20 minutes left! Relax... relax. RELAX! You're wasting money!"

    I finally manage to unclench, but only after I stopped haranguing myself.

    After the bath, I lay out like a fish on a slab while the spa lady marinated me with massage oils and gave me a back rub. It was good, but I would have preferred more pressure. Still, it was nice not to have to think of the masseuse getting tired while massaging you, or having to massage back. The music was getting irritating though. It was a 45-minute long track of *mystical* humming. How can humming sound mystical? You add echo. And layer countless hum tracks over the others. And get the vocalist to hum in harmonics. If there was a Gregorian order of humming monks, they would produce a track like this.

    Later that evening, we went to watch About A Boy at the Gold Class theatre. The tix were a token of appreciation from church because Wally helped them out with some photo shoot. It was really nice of them, considering we?re such movie buffs, and movie tickets are so expensive in Australia.

    The seats at the Gold Class theatre were fantastic - they sprung out a footrest if you pulled a lever. They looked like the Lazy-boys that Joey and Chandler had in Friends, but infinitely plusher and deeper, and made of velvet. Of course I took advantage of all that space by drawing my knees against my chest and scrunching myself into as small a ball as possible.

    Still, there was much papmering that day.  
  • With my knees against my mouth, I am perfectly round ~ Suzanne Vega 2002-07-31 02:47:29 The past few days have been pretty hectic. Not in the highly familiar how-did-things-get-like-this-I-wish-I-was-dead way I?ve gotten so used to, but the more enjoyable kind of hectic that comes from spending time with people you like before having to leave the country and not see them for months/years/ever.

    Thursday was spent watching Minority Report with Wally, and eating Japanese. We ordered a bento set each, which had rice, lots of raw fish, an oyster, and a lurid orange centerpiece that turned out to be sea urchin. Now, I?m of Chinese heritage, so I am blessed with the ability to eat some truly revolting stuff. Sea slugs. Pig?s brains. Bat. Cow?s stomach. No problem. Yummy.

    I know some things taste better than they look, so I ignored the gross way the morsel of sea urchin was dangling off the end of my chopsticks like a dead orange slug, and dropped it in my mouth.

    It had the taste and texture of chilled snot.

    After unclenching my face from the involuntary rictus of horror, I decided I should try again. Maybe the goodness was in the aftertaste, and the panicked reaction that had made my nervous system bang hysterically on the SWALLOW NOW NOW NOW NOW button didn?t give it credit. So I tried again. And again. And AGAIN.

    Ami: Here we go. Ugh. Hm. Well, that wasn?t so... ugh... UGH? AAARGH.

    Wally: Hahaha! I know what you?re trying to do.

    Ami: Water... please...

    Wally: You?re trying to find something, anything to like about it.

    Ami: WATER! NOW!

    Wally: You?re like, "I like anime, I like sashimi, I must like sea urchin too! Why don?t I like sea urchin?!"

    Ami: *gibber*

    Friday we celebrated my friend Witty?s birthday. His name is really Christopher, but we call him Witty because he won an award for being the wittiest radio personality at the radio station where he was doing his internship. Plus, we have another friend called Christine, and we didn?t want to go through the trouble of pronouncing the three syllables that make up his name.

    Anyway, I got together with his housemates to get him a cake and surprise him at a café. We dubbed the mission Operation: Outwit. It was supposed to be a simple affair ? have his school mates distract Witty, make sure he doesn?t go near the cake shop, so we can get the cake, light the candles and walk round the street corner doing an off-key rendition of Happy Birthday. Unfortunately, the people who were supposed to keep him out of the way of the cake-buyers made a mistake and brought him TO the cake shop. Walking towards the shop, Wally and myself found ourselves almost face-to-face with Witty and his clueless crew, but lucky he didn?t see us because the street was crowded. A mere 5 meters away from the birthday boy, we had to whip round and duck behind a bush, where we peeked out at them, acting like giggly secret agents.

    After regaling Lygon Street with a mangled version of Happy Birthday, I went to a park with Ian and Christine to feed possums at a park near their flat. They told me some time ago about some possums that hung out at the trees near the road, and would actually come down to take food from people. So I took a 10 minute walk to Flagstaff Gardens, where we found 6 possums, three of them babies. They were so cute. They would grab the fries we gave them, holding each potato bit in two paws and eating it slowly while keeping a wary eye on us.

    I also went to visit my rats at Stephanie?s place. They looked HUGE. I think the girl has been overfeeding them. She showed me, with a rather perverse sense of pride, the cable for her mobile phone charger they?d chewed into 3 pieces. She says she yells at them a lot, but can?t stay angry with them when they come snuffling up her leg. *Sigh*... I miss my squishy rats already.
  • 2002-07-28 09:35:01 "One day, we will be at peace with carrots too." 
  • 2002-07-24 11:49:49 "Walk faster, my fart is catching up." 
  • Bad squirrel! Bad, bad, BAD squirrel! 2002-07-24 00:46:13 I checked my results on the internet last night... I didn't fail anything, which is a huge relief, but I didn't do fantastically either. 2 credits, and one distinction. One of the results has been withheld, probably because the lecturer couldn't finish marking it.

    Ah well.

    Wish I had more terms to go. I like academic life.  
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