Lounge Fly
I did it!
2004-08-07 12:24:25
For those of you who have been looking at this waiting for the video to finish...if that is any of you, the process will now begin to speed up.
The last edit. The very last edit was finished last night. Now all that's left are touch ups and finishing touches. I can't believe this is almost done. It feels so unreal.
For those who don't know, it is:
Saitou Hajime tribute to
The Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails
Things that make you go hmmm...
2004-08-06 13:36:54
Well I'm down to the last section that I need to edit, yet I'm clueless as to how I can accomplish it. Hmmm....
If I had to describe it, I want either the clip to separate or break into two parts and then go off screen.
Or have the corners of the clip go off screen. I've tried playing with masks...not sure how I can do it that way though...
Here's hoping that I figure it out soon
Getting real close!
2004-08-01 23:15:29
It's getting real close to doesn't feel real. I only have a few more things to edit, then I'll be technically done. But then you know, I have to check for problems, then put it through VDub and all this other stuff, and have other people look at it for beta testing...
But really. I just have a few more effects to do and I'll be done. Stupid me used the wrong clips at one point and now I gotta go back and replace the clips. It's not hard to do, but it's extra work.
With all this work put into this video, I hope that it'll do better than its predecessor.
AE Production started
2004-07-25 01:19:50
Okay so production using After Effects has started. No problems so far, but then, it's only the beginning. So many layers are going to be at hand...I hope the computer can handle it
Well my old saitou vid is starting to piss me off with it staying at the same star rating for an eternity. Finally when it gets one more tenth added onto it, it's back down to the same number it was the next day and it stays there for yet another 3 months or so and the cycle continues. This of course does not mean for you to go and download the video to give me a star rating. It's just a rant. I'm just afraid that my new saitou video is going to be at the same number that the original is at right now, even though I've put so much more effort into the one I'm working on now.
Nothing that a summerfest in Final Fantasy XI can't fix.
Practically finished
2004-07-22 16:41:06
Well the Premiere part is practically finished. I have been touching up and asking people their thoughts of the vid and what should be changed around and have been fixing it.
Just a few more things to touch up and then it's on to AE!!
Current server time: Dec 26, 2024 11:26:04