• Cowboy Blues up, DSL down 2001-09-20 05:57:22 Oivay. I don't know WTF is up with PacBell tonight (maybe it's that freaking Nimba worm thingy) but anyways, my DSL's been highly unreliable tonight.

    "Cowboy Blues" - the CBB/Tom Petty video I entered in the Pro competition has been posted. OK EK - you can gush over it now. =) (read her journal)

    Funny story about that video. I had gotten the idea for the song/anime back in January but I was waiting for the right time to do it, since I was knee deep in projects at that point (was in the middle of Soul of an Angel version 1 and The Anime Polka) and I knew CBB was getting overused a bit.

    In retrospect I should've held off on my CBB videos for a year or two until the flood of them died down, but I just couldn't resist - the urge was too great. The same thing WON'T happen with Trigun. I've got 4 great Trigun video ideas that I'll probably start work on in mid to late 2002, hopefully once all the rush of Trigun videos is done with. They may show up sometime in the 2003 con circuit or something, who knows. Yes I'm planning that far ahead - you would too if you had a directory of 50 songs all with Animes attached to them and good ideas on videos for each song.

    Getting back to the point, as for the funny story, this was my 3rd CBB video, and I was starting out the project and I got like 45 seconds or so into and said to myself, "Shabrah! This does not bode well." (obscure E:FC reference) I wasn't really digging the video, was going waaaaaaaaaaay too slow.
    I showed my roommate what I had done of the video and he said, "So far this is my favorite video that you've done, and there was only 45 seconds worth."
    I did a double take, and I said, "Why on Earth do you say that?"
    "Because it fits so perfectly and it's so honest."
    So I retimed the whole beginning portions better to be slightly faster cuts to make it drag less, and then started saying to myself, "You know... this just might work!" And indeed it did. The video has no special effects of any kind, it's just pure story and heart. It's HONEST. I like that about this video.

    Moral of the story: People who live in glass houses should get dressed with the lights off.

    Oh yea and every cAMV reator should go watch "Failed Experiments in Video Editing" by EK AKA Big Big Truck. Gosh that video struck a chord in me. =D So true, yet so painful... And that "RENDER!" shot just CRACKS me UP because it's SO TRUE!!! I always have that feeling of "YES!! Now I shall see my MASTERPIECE!" and then go "Oh wait...that's wrong.... that's wrong too...that too....gahhhhhhhhh!" Plus having done 3 CBB videos recently I can sympathize with her predicament. =) I think she should've stuck with the Filter idea though, that could've gone places. Hey EK can I steal your idea? HAHAHA No I am NOT doing another Bebop video! No!!! NO!!!!! (Justin beats his mind into submission) BAD BRAIN!!!

    Oh and she's a kickass artist and webdesigner too.

    Gahhhh it's 3AM and I promised her I'd review her video! But I need to fix my screwed up sleeping schedule since CLASS STARTS ON FRIDAY!!! AHHH BACK TO FULL TIME SCHOOL!! Baaaaaaaaaarf.

    Sorry EK! I'll do it tomorr...err later today!!......Tabun...
  • Stuph and Thingz 2001-09-19 01:16:07 Well it's been a few days since my last entry - sorry about that, just didn't find time to update.

    I didn't sleep at all Saturday night, was up for 30-some-odd hours and went to bed at 11PM Sunday night, to wake up at 4PM Monday morning... DAMNIT!!! Whole reason I stayed up was to get my sleep schedule back to normal... oh well, so much for that idea. Today I woke up around 1:30, which wasn't too bad I suppose. Tomorrow I'm helping out at KUCI with their booth at the UCI Club Fair - it's "Welcome Week" at UCI right now and all the frats/sororities/clubs are trying to recruit people. That's at 11AM so I'll have to get up at least by 10:00 since I need to get gas... Anyways...

    In the next day or so I'll be releasing "Cowboy Blues" - the other video that was in the AWA Professional competition. It's currently nominated for Best Sentimental, which I suppose is the best way to categorize it aside from the general "drama" category. It's Cowboy Bebop to Tom Petty's "You Don't Know". Apparently someone else has done a video to it, but I originally had the video concept over 6 months ago, and began work on the video long before he posted his. I'll let you all be the judge of which one's better. Frankly I haven't even downloaded the other one yet, I've been so busy.

    I won't be attending AWA as most of you know, because it's on the other side of the country. Alan "Onegai Studios" Stoll will be proxying for me there in case I win anything (I think I've got a total of like 8 videos or something in the contest not countint the Eva one that wasn't nominated for anything in the Pros).

    I submitted that job application to the UCI Computer Store today - hopefully I'll get the job and I'll finally have a source of income... being poor sucks ass.

    Still no headway in the Magic card dept. - been very busy. Oh yea I started playing DDR again and my foot's actually feeling better. =p Go figure. Played a bunch more in the arcade and at home, I can do most 8 footers now if I put in a lot of effort... Most of them are definately NOT easy and require a hell of a lot of concentration, and most of them are REALLY tiring...

    Apparently my radio show at KUCI will have a different timeslot next quarter.. the schedule is supposed to be posted tomorrow but I dunno what to think.

    Not a terribly interesting entry this time I suppose. If you haven't left a review on Soul of an Angel please do - I'd really appreciate it. Also reviews of all my other videos would be great. Thanks! 
  • One more thing! 2001-09-16 05:54:45 Duh... new video's out. The End of Me... was my first AWA Pro entry that didn't make it to any of the finals. Enjoy, go download and be merry. 
  • Doh! 2001-09-16 05:54:02 Damn ended last entry to early. Read that one then read this...

    Now then...

    Anyways, the other thing I've been watching lately is Earth: Final Conflict. My new roommate's a huge fan of the series - he's taped every episode, and over the last 3 months I've watched everything up to mid-way through the 4th season. The 5th season starts on Oct 6th (during ani-Magic, go figure, but he's taping it anyway) and we want to be through the whole series by the end of this week, so we'll be watching more tomorrow and Monday and probably finish up by then.

    EFC is a pretty cool show, highly recommended. It's actually got CONTINUITY! Imagine that, a non-episodic show on American television!! GASP!

    Oh yea and there are now 12 full bottles of Diet Pepsi in the fridge. Lets see how long it takes me to go through them... 
  • Today's Journal Entry is Brought to You by the Number "4" 2001-09-16 05:51:05 OK WTF is up with my body? I'm waking up every day at 4PM. That's just not right. =p Maybe I should go to bed before 5AM... nahhhhhhhhhhh

    Anyways I've been playing around with the old projector in my room - I hooked it up to my main monitor and am watching all sortsa new series in Digisubs...

    Magical Nyan Nyan Taruto - this show is too cute. I'm serious. It'll wind up banned in 48 states because it causes people's heads to explode it's so cute.

    Super GALS! Kotobuki Ran - Great music, cool characters, and lotsa fun. Very Kodocha-ish, almost like Kodocha in High School or something bizarre like that, but not quite. I have a feeling the two shows are related somehow because of the blatant character design similarities.

    Comic Party - Mentioned it before, but it's worth mentioning again. This is a great series.

    Colorful - so far one episode of this is out, and I'm not downloading any more of it. Too weird, not funny, not engaging, nothing happens. Don't waste your time.

    Happy Lesson - This is like Love Hina on crack. It's good stuff, highly recommended. I figure it must be based out of a Key/Leaf or SOME ren'ai game.

    Geneshaft - looks like it could get good, but so far I'm only mildly impressed.

    Fruits Basket - still awesome series. Can't wait for more to get subbed. 
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