KhayotiK (Adam Draven)
I'm a bad person.
2003-02-25 00:08:20
What a weekend, I could go on forever with all the details, but I'm just going to cover the main parts...
Friday I think I stayed home, smoked a little bud, had a rather early evening.
Saturday, spent about two to three hours driving my grandmother and four little kids around, all of which were driving me in-fucking-sane. Got to ride my uncle's go-kart for a bit though, that was great. Around six I got a phone call from my buddy Daniel, said he had come down for the weekend and I should go chill at his house. Not seeing Dan in a couple months, I couldn't really say no, and went over. It was pretty great, we smoked a little, played pool, then went back to his house and watched tv until he fell asleep, and I ended up sleeping with his 15 year old sister.. Shit. I am NOT ready for a relationship, nor am I ready to play with anybody right now, I'm still recovering, and can't bare to hurt anybody else either. But I think I did.. We almost got caught by her dad, who came looking for us outside (we were in a van) and we would've been caught if he wasn't so fat, he turned on the porch light then started walking out, and by the time we even realised it was on we would've been caught by any normal speed of a walk. Anywho, now I'm afraid that she'll tell her bro and he'll be a wee bit pissed at me. That'd suck.
So that morning both Daniel and me went to church with my mom, a church none of us had been to since at least last Easter. Saw a chick I wouldn't mind dating, it was her first time there and she was with a friend... Anywho it was the strangest church experience I have ever.. Uhh.. Experienced.. I guess. ANYWHO it starts off with the singing of a GOOD choir and the audience all partaking in singing actually good stuff.. Anywho (repetitive-ness annoying you yet?) it was followed by a woman in her mid fourties talking for only a few moments about a dream she had the night before, and it was enough to bring almost everyone, including the pastor. I won't go into the dream out of respect for the woman. Anyway after that the pastor got up, was going to start his sermon, but got choked up and decided to instead open up the altars for whoever wanted to pray. I stood where I was as long as I could, (we were all standing at that time) but I ended up just breaking down and going to the front with the other two dozen individuals who went up, and cried and wept and prayed until I ran out of tears to cry. I asked God not to let me leave him, not to let me stray, nor let me be weak enough to do something foolish and get wraveled up in it, and deny what the holy Spirit would have me do. When I stood up and turned around, I was greeted with a hug by a buddy of mine named Dwayne, who had tears in his eyes and a grin on his sobbing face.. When I made it back to my seat with my mother, two sisters, and best friend, all of them were in tears from me going and pouring my heart and soul into God's hands.. My sister Desiree, who had lost seemingly lost faith, held my hand the entire time afterwards, while on my right my bud just kept his face in his hands... My mother has looked at me differently since then, and I take it strait to heart as being the purest look of love I have ever seen her show..
That's about all I can handle now, I think I'm gonna listen to some Rammstein now, try to clear my head. If any of you want to bitch me out about this, go ahead and contact me at
No pain, no gain?
2003-02-22 00:42:27
Got in a fight today, the only true enemy I have and we FINALLY went at it... We've both been longing for that fight for like months! He was always jealous of my ex wanting me and not him... Anywho the dude's like twenty, and he cracked me in the back with a yard stick, breaking it in half, and then he started thumpin on my head... I turned around and clocked him in the jaw, but he had two buddies waiting to jump in, so they held me while he started cracking me in the ribs..
I was screaming for him to hit me harder, spitting blood and roaring for more, so he picked up both halves of the yard stick, held them together, and cracked me in the side of the head, rendering me unconcious... I think they stomped me when I went down, because my arm is sore like no other... and I've got bruises all over my legs to boot (get it, boot?).
Anywho the manager called the cops and asked me questions, I said I had no clue who the fuck it was, had no clue what they looked like, etc. I don't think they believed me because the witness reports had more info on the fuck than I gave, thus making it obvious I was covering for them. It's not really covering for them though, I'd just much rather go eye for an eye then make him pay a 200 dollar fine and get a restraining order..
That being said, I've now got plans Monday after school.
Another Day Spent, and Another to Come...
2003-02-21 00:13:21
I had a fairly decent day today, I guess, started off bad, though.. Went to first hour, Theatre, where I was informed by my vice principle that I had four hours detention afterschool on tuesday, because I was tardy for my first time to Chemistry =/. Then went on to do my skit from "The Glass Menagerie", where I was grilled by the student teacher, and yet I feel I did a decent performance for my condition of extreme depression/sinus congestion/lack of sleep.. Oh well.
Then went on to Greenhouse where I didn't do shit, just stared at the plants until the bell rang. Went on into English after that, where my "loving" ex girlfriend tried to get me rialed up, no matter how many times I say no, she doesn't take me seriously, so I had to make her cry again by telling her that there is NO chance of us EVER being together again.. I told her I don't want to be the type of guy who turns into a dickhead and makes her hate me, but if I have to in order to live happily without praying I get hit by a truck, then I will. Then I had my nova net class (computer class where you make up classes you've failed) and slept, since they recently banned the use of cds in computers...
Finally I had to ride the bus home, and we had a substitute bus driver for the second day in a row (I must ride the bus until I get my liscense, or my friend gets his car back) and she missed my stop again, making me stay on the bus until everyone got off, making it a full hour long bus ride. But the good part about that is, I got to talk with her and her 16 year old beautiful daughter again, getting to know the both of them and hopefully/possibly asking out the girl... I should've asked their names, but I am stupid at times and wasn't thinking about that at the time, just focusing on keeping pleasant and making a good impression... Hopefully I have.
2003-02-19 19:53:22
I think I'm bein' stalked like no other... I broke up with my ex like days ago and she STILL wont let me be... I was talking to this new girl, my age, completely georgious, shy... The works, right? So I'm talking to her, and FINALLY I get her to laugh, and she tells me how I'm the greatest guy she's met in a long time, I thought I was gonna shit my pants with joy, then "she" ran over, hearing this, and latches onto me with both arms, locking me where I can't even move and my jaw just fucking drops. Before I can even comprehend that I'm going to have to physically pry myself from her clutches, the girl was gone, slipped out to avoid confrontation... Smart girl, but I still wish she would've stayed...
If I was a prick, this would be much easier, I just can't stand to see girls cry... I'm such a fucking pansy.
Time to edit, but I just want to get most of my clips done so I can work with the timeline and shit all at once, get all my thoughts out while they're still fresh. I write down any point that I want, but I still like working with all my ideas at once. And I'm done.
Fun times are filled with fun.
2003-02-17 19:46:48
Finally did some work on my akira project, I think the video's outcome will be favorable, hopefully I'll be able to distribute it somehow... During a break, I wrote a poem, but I spent a mere 3 minutes on it, and the end result was only fair.. Posted it up in the forum, nobody said anything about it, except that I talk a lot or something... Damn you fyrt, my vengance will smote thee out of existance. Or not, either way here's my uuber shit, half assed poem:
My pain is your pleasure, so laugh.
Laugh at the spectacle of my tears,
it is all I have to show for my agony.
My pain is your causing, for now I am lonely.
Your happiness brings truth to my fears..
My pain is your pleasure, so laugh.
Current server time: Jan 07, 2025 13:59:16