Aimaime-san (Ben )
The more I read what I previously wrote the more... I seriously consider checking myself into an institution
2007-09-28 03:10:50
my comments for Corn and Shit-
There is a -sort of a- joke floating around this, and maybe some other (but NO forum is like THIS forum -_-) forums. It basicaly revolves around Corn. I can't tell you what corn means (pie, cherry and the infamous melons ^.^), but I CAN tell you, you'll like it *.*. I hope you like this video too -_-
-LMAO!, Jesus! I can't stand myself sometimes -_-
QC for Corn and Shit-
# 2007-09-01 17:20:44I love corn!
Oh! and Cami, how'd you know I found that on the forums ;p. Yeah, I did, and it had been bugging me since I released this video back in May, 2005! But I finally let my curiosity get the better of me and did a quick search lol. I so smart -_- (just a little slow!)
December can never be too soon ;p
PM for the FIRST Valentines MEP
2007-02-18 00:42:58
Quick Comments For: an AMValentine's Day
* 2007-02-10 15:43:52I don't get it
... considering the subject is love, I don't think ANYBODY gets it o.0
And oddly enough, the second AMValentines MEP doesn't have any qcs yet!! And only 2 ops... WTF?? I have single user videos that do better than that lol.
2006-12-18 15:08:53
# 2006-12-09 13:49:50Im more addicted on cORn now Oo
Bethany?? I know your a naughty one...
# 2006-12-12 01:35:52OH! that's something i could do. Uh oh, I just sent it to some ANTI Effects guy he's probably gonna hate it.
and again, I'm confused lol but I'm glad you liked it -_-
Oh! and Jubby, could you please add my Corn video to your summer mep info page?? If you can, not sure if you can now.
PM for Corn and SHIT
2006-12-10 20:21:06
# 2006-12-10 19:41:24Needed some one else with class to do this.
I don't understand lol is that a compliment or sarcasm?? lol but yeah ;p it's a great joke to play around with.
2006-07-20 22:10:31
Ayane, well, as long as it's not AMVSlut.... ;X
LG- welcome back! I'm still not at 1000 ops, been pretty slow since you stopped your judgements -_- I enjoyed oping every one of them and I hope to continue. Soon as I get a decent computer that is... I'm on an old pentium laptop right now, as I set up broadband in my new house.
Current server time: Dec 27, 2024 03:56:36