Zero Link (Zero Link)
2008-03-16 15:51:45
wher is teh luv
teh luv
teh luv
thar we go, dun wury Joey(arashinome), its all gun b k.
New Smash Bros Characters!?
2008-01-21 17:16:26
Check out the video on the main Brawl Central page. 4:21 shows four Pokemon reps. Pikachu, PT, LUCARIO, and JIGGLYPUFF. 4:22 shows two Earthbound/MOTHER reps. NESS and Lucas
Sick of waiting!
2008-01-15 07:27:22
Damn I'm sick of waiting for Brawl! December 07 was a good date, then they pushed it back to Feb 11th, that was alright. But now, fucking March 9th!
Maaan this some ol' bullshit. Just wait til Jay(Toran) hear about this. >_<
Knock Knock
2008-01-11 21:52:09
Jjpsbt06 (8:46:19 PM): lol
Jjpsbt06 (8:47:12 PM): knock knock
unlimit3drice (8:47:11 PM): who's there
Jjpsbt06 (8:47:32 PM): James
unlimit3drice (8:47:32 PM): James Who?
Jjpsbt06 (8:47:45 PM): James Armstrong.
Jjpsbt06 (8:47:51 PM): knock knock
unlimit3drice (8:47:46 PM): whos' there
Jjpsbt06 (8:47:56 PM): Orange
unlimit3drice (8:47:54 PM): Orange
unlimit3drice (8:48:03 PM): orange who?*
Jjpsbt06 (8:48:17 PM): Orange Johnson.
unlimit3drice (8:48:23 PM): :
Jjpsbt06 (8:48:35 PM): got any knock knocks for me?
unlimit3drice (8:48:35 PM): knock knock
Jjpsbt06 (8:48:47 PM): come in
unlimit3drice (8:50:21 PM): ur so clever
2007-12-20 17:47:57
So I heard my family and my neighbors talking and some dude came and tried to sell them something. I edged by the door to ease drop and I thought he was selling a ps3. They kept talking to him and my neighbor asked to hold it.. He said the box was very light and when he shook it he didn't hear anything. The salesman said he had another one and he took it out of this bag he was carrying and gave it to my family to look at it. He said he was letting it go for 50 dollars. I then went outside and asked what was going on.. I was handed the system and tell me why he was trying to sell my family and neighbors a system called GameStation II? He told me it was the latest system created by ps3.. Apparently he doesn't know I'm a major gamer. =l I then opened it up -even though he told me I couldn't- and took out this system that looks like a ps2 (thin version) that said Game Station II and Station was spelled incorrectly. It came with a whopping atari game + the pistol remote.. It also came with a ps2 remote control that probably didn't work. Come to think of it, I don't even think it even came with plugs and what-not. It was the worst scam I've ever seen. I know what you're thinking, "tk you were being rude, he told you not to open it and you did".. Well, the last time that happened, one of my best friends bought a dvd + vcr player from a dude he thought was a salesman at traders village. When he opened it up, it was a bunch of bricks. But anyway, we sent him home embarrassed... My sister and my neighbor was about to buy that piece of shit. I'm sure hes gonna fuck up someone's christmas with that shit.
- Niggas these days. >=(
Current server time: Dec 25, 2024 20:23:21