JOURNAL: Seig_Redwing (Brian Barnes)

  • I feel... 2006-01-13 10:42:08 I'm sooooo hungry! Too Lazy to move, Too Weak to move 
  • too early 2006-01-11 08:46:31 Me sleepy! 
  • Totally weirded out! 2006-01-10 09:19:33 I'm creeped out about how much money I have spent in the past three years on anime... I looked at my checkbook and my bank statements and I send out about $251.78 U.S. Dollars on average monthly on anime/ anime related stuff. That's scary because that's $3021.36 US Dollars a year, so I've spent $9064.08 U.S. Dollars in the past 3 years... that's more than I spent on my fiancee in the past 3 years... I just hope she does find out!! Although, I think she knows already...*_* 
  • .................................... 2006-01-09 12:40:36 Slow, my comp is lagging! I'm trying to get as much anime on as I can, but I'm in serious need of more RAM! Dammit!>_< 
  • Today is a grand day for Anime! 2006-01-04 08:21:11 I'm starting a new amv this week, I'm not sure what song I'm using yet... but, I'll figure that out soon enough!

    On the other hand, I just got to a sixth grade reading level in japanese! //007!
    Considering, I'm an American living in america, (a backwater town at that!) with no tutors or help that's awesome! 
Current server time: Jan 10, 2025 08:25:18