yoshi1013 (Derek Lieu)
2001-12-04 22:28:22
Nothing really amounted to all those random downloads on my Rei video, though when I posted my Faye video for someone who emailed me I was happily surprised to get two reviews in the space of a day.
Lately I've been getting bored with music videos. I think it's because it's so hard to find the really good ones right now. I remember when I'd be downloading like crazy and burning tons to CD, but lately ones I've been saving haven't been nearly as good as before. I think it's partially because there are so many more creators and people who have access to the hardware. You sort of have to sift through the people who pump out what seems like five a day because they don't spend much time.
It's things like this that make me wonder about what the film industry is going to be like in the future when everyone is making their own film. I mean, right now anyone can if they have a DV camera, though in the future as technology improves people will be able to make better looking films and such. Man.
Weird things a happenin'
2001-11-20 20:03:43
the download counter on my Rei video's been going crazy again lately, I hope it's because people are actually downloading it, though I still haven't received any new reviews. About an hour or two ago it must've been at 123 now it's more like 213. Weird.
I can't wait to go home!! FOOD MOVIES!!! I'm reading the second Harry Potter book right now and I'm really enjoying it so far, I should be well into it by the end of the night.
Dead tired....
2001-11-19 09:37:28
But before I get into that how is it that one time I check the downloads on my Rei video and it says 53, then I check about a hour later and it says 107?? The optimist in me sees someone recommending it to their friends and so forth. But the pessimist/realist in me sees someone trying a million times to download because NYU's servers were acting funky.
I'm finally finished with the film shoot and I know that my friend who directed it is absolutely exhausted. Especially since he had to be pseudo producer too because his producer was so sick he had to wake up every two hours to check his blood (he's diabetic)
It was a helluva lot of fun, people doing backflips off the wall, diving through shelves, backflip kicks. Female ninjas throwing knives, ninjas (more specifically me) being flipped onto trash bags. Little girls smoking opium tons of fun, lots of work, and very little sleep. The hours were so crazy I hadn't taken a shower for about three days, disgusting I know. But now I get to work on sound design which is going to be a helluva lot of fun.
Sleep is weird
2001-11-13 20:53:19
You'd think that sleep is more of a physical sort of thing, but I've decided that most of it turns out to be mental. That's why I can fall asleep so much easier on a hard desk during a blow-off computer class rather than an incredibly comfortable sofa on the floor where I work at school. It would also explain how I can practically fall asleep while lying down on the hard ground of the classroom I have my acting class in.
I ought to record my professor's lectures or something to help me get to sleep. My russian actor teacher always has relaxing exercises before we start each class and it's almost as if he's hypnotizing us. You'd think from the things he asks us to do (Relax every muscle in your body, your face, nose, mouth....) Then again, if he were hypnotizing us would we know?
I think the reviews on my videos are kind of tapering off. I started out with a large number of reviews for how many downloads I had but I havent gotten any reviews in a while. It'd be okay if I weren't obsessively checking back here to see how many downloads there've been since I was last logged on.
Things are looking up
2001-11-09 15:22:48
Well, my Rei video's now hosted on saber531's website (thanks again). This is so exciting for me, because for the longest time I was a complete lurker in the whole community since I couldn't upload any of my videos, or I just thought I couldn't. But now I have some more reviews on my Rei video which has been really exciting.
I saw "Amelie" last night which was a great, funny, cute film. I'd see it again with friends definitely. Lots of fun, I can't believe Jean-Pierre Jeunet directed "Alien: Resurrection" or rather that he agreed to, he's most definitely stronger with his own material.
And I saw "Monsters Inc." and "The Man Who Wasn't There" last week both of which were great, I might see "Monsters Inc." again. Pixar has half of the "For the Birds" short film on their website, but I was it all!! And next week is Harry Potter!! Thank God a friend of mine was organizing a Harry Potter Premiere party otherwise I wouldn't have tickets. Tickets in all major NYC theaters were sold out last week which is incredible, it's going to be so good, I'm really excited.
I was getting really depressed with how much crap was coming out in theaters months ago but now we're practically rolling in good movies. It's a good time to like movies.
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