JOURNAL: yoshi1013 (Derek Lieu)

  • Hee hee hee 2001-10-22 11:39:11 I just spent about half an hour at reading their movie reviews and game reviews. I stumbled upon the website when I was looking for reviews of "The Frighteners" which I watched with friends of mine last night for the second time. The review was saying how it's very offensive from a Christian standpoint for yada yada yada.

    The game reviews were fun too, like reviews of DOOM. One person said that they found no entertainment in running around a 3D maze killing creatures (though he found some value in killing evil demons) and stuff like that. But the funny thing is that these people played these games at least a little or a lot to write these reviews. I think the most fun to read were the arguments over Xenogears which is obviously rife with biblical symbols and such. Haha, good stuff.

    Right now I'm compressing my Final Fantasy IX video into realmedia since there's no way I can upload the 60MB file to my webspace because the max I can really upload is 49 MB. Yes, I hate realmedia with a vengeance too but I want to hear opinions about this video which I made almost a year ago and have since remastered and re-edited a bunch of times since then. I'll probably be up by 1:00 pm or so. 
  • Yay, people are cool. 2001-10-18 08:55:21 Wow, I already received two positive comments on my video I thought would have me exiled from the amv community, I guess I'm not the only really weird one out there. Feels rather refreshing and gives me a positive outlook on life and all that good stuff.

    My drunken master II punch fx test turned out pretty good, though I think I'm going to have to take some of the punch effects from the actual movies because I need ones with more power and I don't really know how it is they make their sound effects in HK films. Though they sound like they might've made them a while ago and now everyone uses the same ones, like in Hollywood I suppose (unless you're David Fincher and you want unique sound effects).

    Today in class I have to go through the synopsis for the feature screenplay I'm going to be writing this semester, hopefully my professor will like it and let me start writing already, I've been dying to write this thing but I just didn't have a good enough throughline.

    Oy, tomorrow is when my friend Matt's film shoot begins, gonna have to get up bright and early around 5:00 am!!! Oy, I'm afraid I'm going to mess something up, though I don't have a very big role. 
  • I'm so crazy 2001-10-17 19:41:28 I uploaded my Evangelion anti-video today. I still can't believe I did it. I was looking forward maybe to scores averaging at least 7.9 or 8 or something 'cause people generally like my videos. But with this video the best thing is the idea, most people will probably rip their hair out watching it, but I still think it's sick and twisted enough that I can find it funny. Though I anticipate many emails from people who don't get the joke or think the joke is stupid. I dunno, I think I'm a reasonably smart person and I thought the idea was funny.

    Right now I'm at work, I ripped a scene from the DVD of Drunken Master II (Warning: HK DVD of it is presented in 1.85:1 letterboxed aspect ratio when the movie is actually 2.35:1!!!) Since I'm going to be doing post-sound on my friend's film I thought I'd practice a bit by synching punches to a fight scene and see how I fare. It's interesting how the differences in pitch and what order they come in sort of dictate a sort of melody in the fight. But dammit if the punch sound effects I got from our library don't mostly suck or what. None of them sound strong enough like in HK films! Oh well, just for practice. 
  • Whoo-hoo!! 2001-10-15 23:25:16 More opinions on my Faye Valentine video, keep 'em coming people! I'm at an all time high of 5 opinions on my video, maybe another one or two and I'll rotate my videos again.

    The shit's really starting to hit the fan in terms of workload here, especially for my roommates. One of them is shooting his film all this weekend which hopefully should be fun, he claims there'll be good food which is always good. I'm going to be Unit Productiom Manager, which he says means being in charge of laying dolly tracks while they're shooting at another location so we can speed things up.

    I have a research paper I have to start thinking about seriously and a stupid quiz tomorrow based on the readings I've only read I'm betting 60% of or so, true or false questions, hopefully will be easy. Also I have to start thinking of a story for my audio craft project, I have one that I'm considering right now but it's rather juvenile. Got a Cowboy Bebop wall scroll the other day. It's the one of all of them on the Swordfish with Faye draped over the window with Spike in the cockpit and such, adds a lot of color to my wall. Yay wall scrolls!!!! I love Chinatown in NYC. 
  • Aaaah!!! SO good!!!! 2001-10-13 01:17:03 Just watched a DivX copy of the Cowboy Bebop movie that I got off of Hotline. So so so good, animation is awesome, some great fight scenes and of course great music. I can't wait for a DVD version to come out so I can see it at a higher resolution where all the colors are nice and crisp because the colors I'm sure are a million times better on the real film, not to say that the DivX encoding was bad.

    Today I was at auditions with a friend of mine for his film and I'm amazed that I'm still alive. You see, there was this guy who sent an email with his headshot saying "I'm skinny and I hate people" so we figured he was joking, he looked like an interesting guy. Well turns out he's only interesting if you're a psychologist looking for a new specimen or something. He was the FREAKIEST guy I've ever know, watching the audition tape in fast forward you'd swear it was playing normal 'cause he almost NEVER MOVED, barely spoke a word, had this weird squeaky voice and after the audition was over he sort of stood there looking at us for a good 30 seconds brrrrrrrrrr.

    Re-uploaded my Faye Valentine video, seems like more were interested in that than my Liberi Fatali or Badass video, but where are the opinions people?? It must've been downloaded at least fifty times, or maybe one person is getting incomplete downloads and keeps on clicking on it or something but I only have 3 opinions. Now I realize what it's like to see that download counter and receive so few opinions. 
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