Killane (Killane Nowhere)
bored bored bored bored bored....
2001-10-15 19:26:16
well....I get bored quickly....I think I'll update my website...mebbe I'll change the color scheme....that should be fun...
I'm easily entertained, but I also get bored easily.
well, off to Dreamweaver and Photoshop!
Hentai Sells!
2001-10-15 19:08:33
WOW! I just finished an AMV to La Blue Girl (a Hentai) and when I put the link for it up on this site, I had my first hit on my FTP downloading it before I was even done with all the details. Man, I guess these people really want to see some skin.
That's really sort of sad. Let's see how many hits I get on it in the next 24 hours.
2001-10-13 22:35:21
I finally thought of an idea for a video which doesn't require a lot of capture work on my part and won't be made of leached video.
damn...PSX Games make videos so easy to make.
2001-10-08 19:36:44
it's raining...I hate reminds me of how long it's been since I washed my truck....oh well
There should be a search option to bring up all recent NON-DBZ Downloadable videos... I just looked at the new downloadables and it's just rather sad...more than half of them are DBZ....what is the world coming to? THERE'S MORE TO ANIME THAN WHAT YOU SEE ON CARTOON NETWORK!!!
ugh....I'm gonna go find some chips.
Twinklebunny half the pudding octopi for tango man...
2001-09-30 12:45:57
I'm getting rather fed up with no Opinions on my Love Hina Vid. It has had 744 hits as of right now, and not ONE OPINION!
I have had 2161 hits total on my videos, and you wanna guess how many Ops I have total? 1!!! ONE OPINION!! Mind you, the one opinion I really appreciate, it gave me insights into problems that I hadn't noticed I had until it was pointed out to me. I need these Opinions so I can refine my videos, I'm working on a video right now that I don't know if it'll be well-received or universally hated because I get NO OPINIONS! I still have a fairly steady stream of downloads (about 120 in the past 2 days) and still not one opinion.
I don't care if they're bad opinions, just so long as they're honest.
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 17:43:12