Killane (Killane Nowhere)
Okay, I'm not getting my hopes up too far...
2001-09-18 02:50:18
Someone from outside the LAN was able to connect today, I think that means it works. Finally got some decent settings for the DIVX codec to make it actually worthwile to use. Made an FF9 video to test it out along with PSXMC which I found on neat proggy.
Nope, I hate's evil
2001-09-16 18:31:43
FTP still won't work....can't figure out why, asked some of the finest geek-minds at Michigan Tech, no one knows. Theoretically, since no one can access my FTP from the outside I shouldn't be able to access outside FTPs via the same port....maybe I'll try setting it to a different port...
that might help
Mabe I don't hate it so much after all
2001-09-11 15:26:18
I think it works now that I've got the router, I can access from another computer using the link on my website. I am leaving the access open to all (note that I'm using a router therefore I've got the best firewall money can buy) via FTP. Any problems, e-mail me.
I hate my FTP server
2001-09-10 00:42:35
Windows 2000 is being a real hoser about letting my FTP server work with my cable modem.
My new router should be here tomorrow (hopefully not while I'm in class), maybe that'll clear up the issue.
Working on a new video, Kite to Styx - Renegade; by request.
After that gets done I think I'm going to work on a Blue Sub 6 video to Moxy Fruvus - Pisco Bandito (The Bandit Fish), that should be fun.
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 23:57:17