JOURNAL: Grekon (Henri Martikainen)

  • Playing Lionheart multiplayer 2003-08-28 13:07:15 Wow... Lionheart is cool game...
    Today I was playing it multiplayer with my friend from school and it's even better on netgame...
    I think I'm getting hooked into it :P
    Hopefully I can still make more amvs...
    I have to be able to make few amvs soon,
    cuz we have few projects with my friend
    that must be ready soon...
    Well maybe I'll go play some more now
    and do amvs tomorrow... or start doing amv
    later this night... I don't know...
    One thing is sure thou... I'll PLAY Lionheart
    today no matter what :PPP
    But more of me coming soon :P

    *Grekon Logs Out* 
  • Organizing amv showing/contest 2003-08-27 04:51:56 Arctic Tribe is going to organize amv showing/contest propably in few months... I already asked for our schools auditory for rent but that woman who takes care of booking and knows everything wasn't there but i'm going to ask it later today... Our school is like mediapalace with LOTS of computers with DVD-burners and stuff like that...
    We'll see later today if we can get that auditory for rent...

    * Grekon logs out* 
  • Same old boring life of mine continues 2003-08-26 05:35:17 Boooring...
    School is so boring... If I have school from 8.30 to 16.25 I'll get bored in those classes and if I have just from 8.30 to 12.15 I'll get bored at home cuz everyone else is in school or at work...
    Life can be too boring...
    Maybe I could sleep while waiting for my friends to come from work and school... NO...
    Then I can't fall asleep at night if I do that...
    Arrrgh... Nothing to do...
    np: Iced Earth - A Question Of Heaven
    Aah only relaxing thing now is to listen good music...
    Yesterday evening my father said to me that we could buy DVD-burner this week... I can't wait to get it... So much things to burn and those 700Mb cds are too little to burn them...
    Oh yeah, almost forgot... We have meeting next saturday where we'll discuss about next year's Animecon...
    I'll be there carrying my Arctic Tribe Badge on my shirt/jacket...
    We will force them to do amv contest next year cuz this year was only our presentation of amvs and their history...
    Damn... I have to get 210€ from somewhere to buy the rest of Orphen DVDs. That is so good serie but you can hardly find any fansubs of it...
    Maybe I should now go to find evening job to earn some money... Otherwise I'll never get those DVDs bought...
    Yeah... that's what I'll do now...
    So I'm off now

    *Grekon Logs out* 
  • I Have been too lazy 2003-08-25 02:36:03 Yeah... Now I noticed that I have been waaaay too lazy...
    My last journal entry was sooo long ago..
    Now I have to keep myself in front of the computer doing
    journal entries almost every day...
    At least that's what I'm trying to do from now on..

    So Check my journal entries daily if you're interested
    of my painful life...
  • Chasing the English course book 2003-04-08 14:19:29 First my mom went to one shop to buy me few books I need for the next one and a half month. Well she bought me history book, swedish book and maths book, but one is missing!!!
    It's that english book... And tomorrow is already second lesson of english course. When I come home from school, I come to my computer, find the bookstore's web page and search fot the book. Then I found one place which is about 3-4 miles from our house... and there is two hours before they close that store. Oh well. So I jumped into the bus from the corner of our house. That bus took me to the store. Then I ran into the store hoping that there still is at least one book left. but NO!! There wasn't even single one left. There was books for the courses 1,2,4 and 5 but not to the course 3... Damn >_<

    Now I'm scared what will the teacher do to me when he notice that I don't have that book... I will tell you tomorrow if I'm still alive =P

    But there is still God(even thou I live behind God's back).
    The store where my mom bought me other books, there is coming more books this week. JESH!! *hoping that my explanation to teacher will work*

    Now I'll leave my cell, from the underground lair that I dug with spoon under the carpet, and going to watch last episodes of Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai(huh, long name for anime) 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:58:42