JOURNAL: Sammy (Ousama (Sam) Farha)

  • Hey Slut bitches 2005-08-25 05:30:08 I just thought I would make a journal entry, since I haven't made one in a while.

    Anywho, your all a bunch querulous editors. None of you make good music videos, and the chances of you making a music video that can even compete with mine is just laughable........ahahahha

    I watched The Simpsons season 6 on dvd the other day. It was so funny. I know it's being overplayed on TV, but some episodes are just pure gold.

    That is all, you dumb ass mother fuckers.

    Shut your fucking mouths, and continue posting in your BORING, painfully uninstresting journals.

    You fucking losers. 
  • what the fuck 2005-08-22 17:12:02 I starterd that thread to get people angry, but people are actually posting thoughtful replies.


    I swear to fucking god my reign of terror on this site hasn't ended yet assholes

    Just you wait.... 
  • @Jerrit Tenurb 2005-08-22 06:16:49 Oh really?

    That hurts.

    When people ignore me. I mean it is the smart thing to do so you can avoide my flames, but it can be crushing for me.

    Your starterd the fire (by bashing my music videos) so now your gonna burn.

    You seem so instrested in your latest project, but let me tell you this. I'TS GONNA FUCKING SUCK! There is no hope for you in making music videos. Please for the love of god, stop making music videos. Thank you.

  • I'm so fucking pissed!!!!! My fucking god I'm gonna explode in anger you GOD DAM DIRTY MOTHER FUCKERS!!! 2005-08-22 05:56:36 @bum - You god dam mother fucking loser. Wait....try this - you god dam mother fucking 24-7 forum regular! How the fuck could you change your sig from me to something some other loser wrote?!? Am I not instresting enough to be apart of your sig? FUCK YOU! I hope you die, a horrible, horrible death.

    @godix - You son of bitch! How the fuck could I not be apart of your forum sig? You fucking edit your sig now, and put something that involves me RIGHT NOW.

    @Decoy - OMG! My hate for you just keeps growing and growing. I just found you edited the jump segment in ASM. YOU COCK SUCKING ASS LICKING MOTHER FUCKING FAGGET. How the fuck dare you make fun of JUMP! it's a 9 MB wonder, and it's a pure joy to watch, you dumb ass shit head. Maybe I should of used colorized clips, and bloated the screen to a point of absurdity, and then maybe you would of enjoyed it. Dickwad.

    @Mr. Panda - You dirty son of a bitch. I always knew you were a man, because you act like a total dick. And stop posting that picture of me. It was taken along time ago, and I've gotten much better looking since then.

    @inthesto - FUCK YOU! I hate you, I dont even know who you are, and what I did to piss you off, but obviously I have a reason now. You slut bitch mother fucking ass cunt LOSER. ASM sucked, I hated it, and I've sent 5 emails to the site owners requesting the video be taken down. So suck on that. I hate ASM, and it's not funny in anyway.

    @shinodude - Wow, thats some profile pic. But it still doesn't explain why your sentances dont make any sense. My 9 year old cousin types more coherent paragraphs than you, and even me.

    @Jerrit Tenurb - You compare my godlike music videos to the likes of godix? FUCK YOu. I hope you die, a death so bad that talking about it brings the world to tears. You ass licking cock sucking mother fucking whore. BTW, I've seen your music videos, and naturally - they sucked donkey balls.

    @3=1 - I read your journal, and all I can say is :yawn:

    @deiryke - study? Wow, looks like your life is SOOOOOOOO instresting.

    @Froilan- just go back to school. I've been an adult for quite some time now, and it's no were as easy as being in school. oh and ummmmmm FUCK YOU GOD DAM MOTHER FUCKING ASS LICKING COCK SUCKER.

    @jade_eyed_angel - your journal blows goat dick.

    @Radical_Yue - hmm lets see now. Talking about scraping your new video: check, talking about cons:check, talking about how bored you are: check, and talking about lame ass quotes: check. Yep, your looking like a typical boring journal poster so far.

    @Scintilla - congratulations on winning another fucking award. Just go throw it on the shelf with all the other awards, take a picture, and send it to -

    @Moonlight Soldier - omg! your chat logs are so tedious. Please die. Not a horrible death, but a nice silent one. Thank you.

    @the person who hit refresh on my journal that many times - PLEASE REVEAL YOURSELF. PM me if you have to. 
  • The Journal world sucks ass 2005-08-22 04:51:19 Remeber when posting in journals used to be fun? Cause I would piss people off and like everyone would talk about me in some way in there boring journals.

    Well what happen to that?

    You think I cant piss you off anymore?! Just watch, I'll get your attention... 
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