JOURNAL: NeneSan (Nene )

  • Rina 2006-02-21 02:07:38 whoo-hoo, I'm psycic!!

    and I can't spell for my life!

    I think

    *feels loved*


    Very hyper...

    I need to go to bed...

    so late...


  • Rina 2006-02-21 02:04:22 ummmmmmmmmmmm...*is actually guessing cause she has no idea* the one that says waiting for the sun to rise??????????

    was I right???

    xD mine are the Inuyasha cute one, the Soar one, the groan one, and the brining closer one

  • Rina 2006-02-21 01:55:45 lol, I kno of the one (which I did vote for, soooo pretty) which other ones are yours? (I wanna see) 
  • 2006-02-21 01:53:09 finally they got accepted, lol 
  • pinky75910 2006-02-21 00:23:58 ^^ I agree, I found a site doing that once. I wrote them and they wrote me back a nasty I reported them and stuff and said 'welcome to Iceland bitches!'

    ok, not much snow there, but w/e.

    and youtube people are just mean most of the time, copying work and stuff, or making stupid vids that are just a blank screen...-.-" honestly, I've seen it.

    ~_^ we'll get those bastards that steal our sweat and blood driven work! 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:20:55