- Rina 2006-02-17 21:28:10 that's what I do for most of the banners I make, ^^
Any better?
2006-02-17 21:12:47
the last one is a little to white I think... - 2006-02-17 20:56:28 -.-" since I forgot my photobucket account p/w and stuff I made a new one...hmm...maybe I'll put my banners up on there...
2006-02-17 20:48:51
Quick Comments For: Inuyasha :: Inuyasha and Kouga :: For the Love of a Human
2006-02-17 20:19:52meh
and a meh right back to you, lol...feh...keh...leh...deh...seh...lmao - 2006-02-17 20:42:34 nvm, I figured the paint crap out, lol