Lupus_Lupus (Lupu )
2003-04-23 07:29:36
I’m now the “proud” owner of Limb Bizkit’s Significant Other album. I went through tree record shops to get it. “I’m a sucker like I said.”
I think that I finally figured out the origin of my Limb Bizkit infatuation. It’s you! *points finger towards Fluxy* You and your Ninja Girl video got me into Limb Bizkit. You smooth you… >_<
Lol I’m sure that Fluxy understands that, if he happens to read this, but for the rest of you I’ll just point out that it’s a joke. Ha ha. Xp
I’ve been listening to the album today at work. I didn’t really care what other people thought about it. I don’t have time to listen to it at home so they’ll just have to bear with the Limb Bizkit. *grin* There are few good songs that I’ve spotted besides the obvious Nookie one. ^_^ Especially Re-Arranged catches my fancy. Unfortunately this album doesn’t have other great songs by Limb Bizkit like Faith and Rollin. ^_^ Should I get those too...
The German orchestra arrived yesterday. Two girls are now temporarily housing in my room and I’m sleeping in my little sisters room. -_- Actually the other one of the girls is from Holland. Apparently the town in Germany is near Netherlands so some of the players are form Netherlands.
Their English is even worse than mine. I’d just point out that writing in English is totally different from actually speaking in English. My English is a bit rusty. ^_^; It’s been a while since I communicated for real with English and not just goof around with my friends by speaking in English. I have to use really simple English so that they can understand what I mean.
I can actually understand some of what the two girls speak with each in German. Finally watching all those German detective shows from television is paying off. ^_^ Or then it can be the fact that German and English are quite similar and many words are almost the same.
I still can't get Nookie out of my mind... the song. *sigh*
Stars in my eyes *_*
2003-04-22 05:41:50
Nifty title isn’t it, but before we get to there I’ll just *kick self in the foot*. My dumb ass self forgot my key card at home (I’m at work right now). I couldn’t even get inside not to mention open up any doors without it. Man I’m stupid. >_<
TO KEVIN (I don’t enjoy tests…): That’s the spirit! I like your attitude. Why do I get the feeling that I’ve felt exactly the same way? *ponders* That must be because I have felt exactly the same way! Well not right now though, but in the past. Oh and please don’t apologise afterwards writing that entry. It totally rocks! And I hope that you never lose that hope of yours. ^_^
I’m finally figuring out this whole My Downloads and stars system. The My Downloads section is… well it pleases my organised nature. ^_^ I already have something like over 30 videos there when I only started to download locally few days ago.
I finished downloading Vlad’s videos. Now I have all that he has listed in his profile. The best one IMO is Memories Dance:
It’s a tribute to Ghibli movies. I liked the idea behind it and the music is just beautiful. Five stars!
Strangely enough I liked his early videos quite a lot. I’m humming the music from his Bad Boys video right now. ^_^
Now I moved to SpPanda (sp? lol). Quite a leap from Vlad to SpPanda eh? I’m just really curious of his videos. He’s caused such a racket in the forums and people keep recommending his videos. Actually I’ve had one of his videos for quite a while now. I only realised this after I checked his profile and read about the Session videos. I faintly remembered having one video with Session 1 in the beginning and it’s my favourite Gundam Wing video. So I check it out and what do you know. There is a little panda in the beginning. I can be a pit slow to realise things. ^_^;
This whole giving stars to videos that you download locally is a bit confusing. What are you supposed to base those to? Are you supposed to give five stars to a good video or five stars to your favourite video? There is a difference between those two. So far I’ve given them like this:
3 stars: nice video, but nothing special
4 stars: I like it and it’s well done
5 stars: My absolute favourite. These are the ones that I keep on loop for hours.
So far I haven’t given any 1 or 2 stars ratings to any video. If you think that 3 stars is mediocre, then 1 and 2 stars are bad videos/not my favourites. I’m sure that there will be videos that get 1 or 2 stars from me. I just started downloading form the best creators. That’s all. ^_^
The only two downsides are that you can’t change the stars that you’ve given afterwards. I found out this too late. =( And the other one is that, if you have ten or more videos without stars, the system doesn’t allow you to download more locally. This is a problem because I want more time to think about how many stars to give because you can’t change them afterwards.
Oh and the link that Omni gave is handy. Now if I only knew how to get there from the member page… The org can be a pit hard to navigate if you don’t know where you’re going.
dumdidum muahahaa
After I get off from work I’m going to buy that stinking smelling Limp Bizkit album. There has to be some store that has it or else I’m going to throw a tantrum. #_# Beware record shops!
I also realised that, because I don’t have anything better to do at work for the time being, I can probably write to my journal from work. I finished writing microfilms last week. I don’t have anything to do except answer the phone. *ring* Arkisto… mm… mm... selvä. *click* Piece of cake and it totally underestimates my intelligence. *snort* Says she who forgot her key card at home. *kicks self in the foot*
Since I still don’t have anything better to do I’ll just blabber on about things that you probably aren’t interested in anyway. >_< Does it ever happen to you that you find something that you didn’t even realise that you had lost or didn’t even remember ever owning? I found new jeans in my closet this way. Actually they are my father’s old jeans but they fit me perfectly. I put them in my closet almost a year ago and I’ve totally forgotten that I even had them. They are from the seventies or the eighties with really low waistline and large dontknowtheword butyouknowwhatImean. They even have a secret pocket inside the jeans around the thies. I believe that my dad used that to keep his passport there safe from thieves when he was hitch hiking in Europe. These jeans have sentimental value and they look good on me. ^_~
Also my little brother donated his old t-shirt that didn’t fit him anymore to me. It’s a bit worn out but I’m going to use it anyway since it has a wolf in it. The text says Canis Lupus, which is wrong since that’s the Latin word for dog and Lupus Lupus is the correct Latin word for wolf. Can you guess that I like wolves (and I even can spell it in plural (sp?) form)? =p
I also keep finding new songs in my mp3 collection. I have about 1800 mp3 and only about 30 of them are downloaded. I’ve ripped almost all of my CDs and I always copy my friends' mp3s when we’re having a LAN party. There are probably many that I have never heard before in my life. O_o On Saturday I found my anime OST collection and there were some really nice ones there too. I listened to the .hack//SIGN opening music for a while in constant loop. >_<
Now I’ll do some bitching about spelling. Is the correct spelling favorite or favourite? Word says that it’s spelled favourite and my OpenOffice at home says that it’s spelled favorite. So which one is it? And what is the difference between realise and realize. Oh and I keep spelling it realice so I’m totally confused of the right spelling. ?_?
Since I’m on the subject… I have no idea if my commas and (don’t know the word and I don’t have a dictionary at work) those ---> , things are in the correct places. I’m just guessing where to put them in most cases. Sometimes I put it there and other times I put it someplace else just so that it seems that I know what I’m doing when I haven’t got the faintest clue. It’s bugging me and I have nobody who could tell me the correct use of commas and ,,,,. =(
Not to mention that I still sometimes keep spelling finnish when I mean Finnish. But I’m learning hopefully.
I’ve been thinking that I could start to go to work by bicycle instead of train. I used to bicycle to high school and that was 16 kilometres per day. That took half an hour in one way. The distance to my work place from home is 20 kilometres. That’s quite a lot, but I could start slow. Maybe bicycle to work and come home by train and then the next day I could ride my bike back home. That would be 20 kilometres in one day. Then I could work my way up from there and eventually bicycle 40 kilometres in one day. Of course I probably wouldn’t do this everyday, but only just few days in a week. I’d be so proud of myself if I can pull that off. ^_^
I’d get some needed exercise this way and some almost fresh air too. Not to mention that I’d probably not be so tired at work in the mornings. The bad part is that I’d have to leave from home at about 6 am to get to work on time. Z_z This will all have to wait until I’m not so busy after work. I could start in the summer. ^_^
There’s something seriously wrong with me today. First I forget my key card home and that’s the first time that that’s happened. Then the program that I need at work crashes… twice! And it has never done that before. Even the e-mail program crashed. And I’ve also given out two wrong documents: 8:399 instead of 8:699 and 24:24 instead of 24:21 what those people asked for. I normally don’t do that kind of mistakes and never twice in the same day! I hope I survive through the rest of the day without any more accidents. Most importantly I have to remember to go to my viola lesson today.
I can not forget that!
Please! X_X
>_< I still can't get it out of my mind
2003-04-21 14:00:41
I still can't get nookie out of my mind... The song the song. I'm not a complete hentai, but this song is probably giving me permanent brain damage. I've been listening to it for four days already and no end to my torture is visible in the future. *sigh* I give up. I'll go and buy the damned album tomorrow. Are you happy now Limp Bizkit? "Leave me alone." xp
This journal thing is really handy. I keep forgetting stuff like when did I rip that DVD and voila I can check it from my journal. It's really handy. ^_^ And I keep forgetting that people actually read my blabberings.
When somebody then says that they read my journal, there is this kinda like a film strip going in my mind of what I've written lately. Then I just hope that they didn't read some particular entry that I rather wouldn't want them to read. So I always could write privately, but where's the fun in that? I've done two private journal entries so far. Just some personal stuff involving people here so I don't want everybody to know about what I have in my mind. You might not believe it, but I actually think pretty carefully before I write anything. *snort* Really I do.
I'm not forcing anybody to read this. If your bored, stop right there and find something better to do. Enjoy life!
Nookie... *singing* "I did it for the..."
- so on
2003-04-21 03:34:47
Lots of things to do today:
-clean my room/the house
-do some work outside (I'm a woodcutter dumdidum)
-practice/sing music theory notes (sucks)
-bake something for Friday's music cafeteria
-download videos (because I want to xp)
-go to the singing band's practice
-find out who sent that cryptic text message
-practice viola (if I have time)
-learn to speak German (just kidding)
-and my uncle and his daughters are coming over to see our cats
And 12 hours to do all of this. Swell... This is my holiday and I'm going to enjoy it, but I still have to do all of those things. So first things first: Do not write a long journal entry... check!
I finished downloading Kysoyaro's local videos (20). It's nice to see the development that he's gone through from he's early videos to the newer ones. Sappy Self Indulgence is... amazing! Just amazing. Also I was reminded why I like Bachelorette so much. It was one of the first videos that I saw and I still remember how it blew my mind away at the time. Aren't I the fan girl. >_< lol
I can't decide which of Kysoyaro's videos I want in my top 10 video list. Damn you for making so many amazing videos. lol
Now I moved to Vlad G Pohnert. I'm starting with the early videos. I've only seen few of his videos. I'm looking forward to seeing them all. ^_^ First I thought that I would get Doki Doki's first, but I've already seen them all. I just don't have them. I'll get them later.
Why oh why did I let myself be talked into singing in the music cafeteria that our orchestra is having next Friday. I'm a part of a singing band which consists of six girls. We have practice today. So I can sing somewhat. It's just that I'm always so nervous, if I have to sing in public. *panic*
*hides behind a rock* (my little sister promised to be that rock for me. Lol)
Our German orchestra guests are coming tomorrow evening. Two girls will be sleeping in my room so I have to temporarily move to my little sisters room. That's not so bad. I'm just afraid that I'll have some trouble being without my computer for four days. *hugs comp* I'm totally addicted. >_<
I'll try my hardest to get those poor girls into anime and AMVs. ^_~ The world needs more girl otakus.
I joined another forum yesterday. It's a Finnish anime forum. JESH! Maybe I'll get a change to get to know some Finnish otakus this way. There are even some girls there. Amazing! I'm not a freak of nature after all. X_X No offense to you people. I just want to meet some otakus IRL and that's not going to happen with you people. Sad, but true.
I also burned an audio CD with all the songs that I have a video idea. 15 songs. Everything from classical to metal and native Australian music. ^_^ I have a wide taste in music.
This isn't a long journal entry. Really. ^_^;; Now I'll get to work. I might not be able to write everyday this week. Well just have to wait and see.
I've gone loco... umm I mean I've gone local
2003-04-20 03:46:09
I just found out yesterday that I can download locally. I thought that total leeches =( can't d/l locally, but apparently they can. Oh boy, I've been waiting for this. *downloads like a maniac*
I'm going through videos by creator and I started with Kysoyaro. Mark my word that I had most of his videos until the big deleting accident. So I'm getting them again, but there are also many that I haven't seen yet. Especially "Dreams Come True" pleased me very much. It had major Fushigi Yuugi spoilers, but I don't really mind since the video is so good. Also the song "Dreams Come True" by S.E.S is a cover from a one Finnish band called Nylon Beat. The song is originally in Finnish, but they have made an English version of it called "Like A Fool". I wonder if Hsien knows this. Here is the link to the video:
Unfortunately his "They Did It for the Nookie" video isn't up for download. =((( I want it (the video). >_< I still can't get that song out of my head.
I'm just waiting for the downloads to finnish. There are five at the moment. And the speed is... a whopping 6KB/S. >_< My Little brother's eating all of our bandwidth again. Well I'm a patient girl. This still beats the modem times when I downloaded two videos in one day. That was slow. This is nothing.
Our two cats have had a change to go out side almost every day since the whole family is doing work in the backyard. It's nice to watch how much they enjoy running around and climbing trees outside. ^_^ Yesterday my cat had it's first meeting with the dog who lives next door. Both were free so there were no leashes. It went like this...
My cat Värttinä (Varttina) noticed the dog and started to walk towards it with it's tail up high. If the tail is up, it means that they are saying hello to a friend. Värttinä fearlessly walked in front of the dog and sniffed it. They just stood there facing each other for a while. Then the hair in Värttinä's tail started to stand up. This means that it finally got scared.
All of this happened really slow. After that it lifted it's back and the hair in there also stood up. This is meant to look very threatening and make the cat look bigger. Värttinä also stood side ways towards the dog to look bigger. Note that the dog is almost the same size as the cat. There was no hissing, but at this point the dog decided that it would be better off some where else and left.
It went smooth. I had my fears of what might happen. It's good that now they know each other. I wonder what went through my cat's head when it walked to the dog so friendly. Did it think that the dog was a cat? Lol
It's a really difficult to get the cats back inside. One day I run after Kitsune (our other cat) for 15 minutes after I finally got her in my grip. She struggled a lot none the less and my arms would be full of scratches, if I didn't have glows on. They are incredibly fast not to mention small so I can't follow them into the pushes. :p
I did my first online anime shopping yesterday at:
You can pay with a bank deposit which is easier for me than using a credit card. I only ordered one DVD. I'll order more when I get that one delivered to me. It's for my first video. ^_~
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