[ZeaL] (Tim Lindenschmidt)
2006-01-04 05:32:22
All my videos are NOT available locally anymore. That'll teach me to make an Evanescence video years before that event happened. :P
Anyway, I switched webhosts, so now I have the space to put up all my videos on my own site.
Man, I really have to get making videos again...
videos uploadered
2003-11-12 01:53:12
All my completed videos are now available locally. Isn't that grand?
... I wouldn't mind opinions on some of my AMVs. :}?
HnK is now Local
2003-08-27 17:37:46
I finally took the time to upload my HnK video to the local server here. I'll probably upload the other two in the next couple days.
No one actually reads this, so why do I bother? XD
2003-08-23 23:38:31
So, like I said, I entered Hoshi no Koe - Your Presence Still Lingers Here into CN Anime 2k3 AMV Competition.
And I won Best of Show.
^_^ Pretty damned good for my third video, and my first competition, ne?
Please check it out, as no one here has commented on it yet. -_-
2003-07-02 05:47:17
Jaina put up her video the other day. And my memory wasn't lying to me. It IS teh winz.
I've uploaded the Hoshi no Koe video. Comments would be cool.
Um... that's about it. gj.
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 04:59:12