Alpha_Hazard (Alex Chapin)
More COmputer BS
2004-09-04 17:38:35
Well, I got the new drive today...this one also rattles, so I sent a scathing note to new egg about the quality of their OEM parts and told them to send me retail replacements.
On top of that, I finally got the boot to go faster, and I got the other two drives to work, which is nice...except I lost all my project files for the AMVs that I was working on, including the two I have actually uploaded, and was planning on "remastering"
Damn, what a drag.
Computers totally suck
2004-09-04 01:36:42
Alright, so I decided to build a computer, I was tired of my p4 1.7 ghz and the slow bus on my mother board. SO I spend an entire day making sure I get the compatibility right, and finally order my stuff...
I get it, I spend two and a half hours putting it together. I put the old drive in the Master spot and put the new SATA drive in, planning on installing Windows there, and then transfering files and settings from C drive...
Well, somehow I screwed up. well, actually the first main problem was that the new hard drive rattled like it was two years old, But I installed anyway, and ordered a new one right away, then requested a Return service. Having done that, I attempt to back up my files onto my 200 GB hdd, just incase something gets screwed up when using the wizard.
I resarted after installing some windows updates and lo and behold, a Check disc screen pops up, saying that windows needs to check the file system on drive G (The 200 gig) I think, well...Okay, if you must, WIndows then procedes to delete the vast majority of files on the drive, including (?) a-q of my music files and all of the things that were inside folders in my shared folder...
I decide there is obviously something wrong with the drive and so I backup everything irreplaceable, like my hellsing fanfic and some music you cannot find anymore, and I reformat. It seems to work pretty well. So I decide that I no longer need the old c drive and pull that out, replacing it with the 160 project drive from my old computer, although I forget to make it the master.
I turn on the computer and find that windows doesn't work again...WTF? so I reinstall on the 80 gig Sata and it finally works, although it shows a blank screen for about 30 seconds between Bios boot and windows startup (Anybody have any ideas?)
So I figure I have everything under control...WRONG! Now the 200 gig doesn't work at all I CAN'T EVEN REFORMAT IT!!! and I realized I haven't got any jumpers to master the 160 gig!
Next time I'm just gonna get somebody to do it for me! (or just get all new drives and then transfer later...)
The dark side
2004-06-08 11:45:06
SO the past few weeks have not been very productive...I succumbed to the Dark side of COmputer geekery by playing Kotor full on RELIGIOUSLY for that whole time...But have no fear, I have seen the error of my ways and with Zarxrax and Absolute Destiny as my guides back to the light I have resumed making videos...
Cutting the Ribbon
2004-04-26 15:11:54
Welcome Welcome Welcome to my Journal. I decided to write in it, because, wel,, I feel like it.
If you have read my profile at all you at least know something about me, which is good. Currently I am working on three Videos...Actively, I have others that I have begun, and now set aside due to disk space, because I want the vids to look good. I also am in the process of remastering my first two because I really feel they need it. I hope to finish at least one video by the end of may, hopefully two, once my school year calms down I will have more time...
Current server time: Dec 26, 2024 14:14:00