JOURNAL: Nemoxs (blank )

  • Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun 2003-11-12 20:55:32 :P [Insert theme song to Super mario RPG here]

    I just beat that game AGAIN, for about the 20th time (seriously) everytime I beat it, I imagin' how awesome it would be with a cd orcastra soundtrack :).

    I wish we chould get a gamecube pack or something, with games like,

    Super mario RPG,
    Super mario world,
    Links awakening

    Anything classic like that, with new soundtracks :) that would make me so happy ^_^.

    Anyway, my new amv will be out soon enough (atleast by chrismas) I'm shooting for about december 12th, although it may be held over, who knows ;D gotta assure you guys get the best quality I can do.

  • Yeah, whatever. 2003-10-28 17:06:50 I'm going to openly admit something, that only a few people know about me.

    I fucking LOVE DDR (for those of you who don't know, it's a dancing game) I don't know why I love it, I just do, it's like dancing for people who cant actually dance, it's fun, and I may get called a geek for loving it, but hey, I've been called worse things.

    Anyway, I started editing a new video today, the point of me talking about ddr is, well, it's a ddr track (I wont say specificly which one right now, soon :D) and I just, I fell inlove with this track along time ago, it's sort of a love for music and ddr that brought it to me (and my girlfriend :/).

    Anyway, I guess I'll go back to editing or something,
    Thanks for reading this I suppose :P.


    Random Line:
    King of the hill - Episode - Japan Part 2

    Bobby hill "Shh, don't talk, just... DANCE!"

    Random Line from me: "I wanna play DDR with my girlfriend one day :D ( it's a dorky dream, but it's a dream :D)" 
  • Cold 2003-10-28 04:03:46 Yes my friends, I got a cold, it's like 32 degree's out, Yep freakin' E.

    I was planning on doing those free op's and I might get around to it yet, but I just really don't feel like doing op's right now *sniffs*.

    Maybe I'll try to edit if i dont fall over dead ~_~;;. 
  • I support you SQ 2003-10-24 18:42:26 I know alot of people might be giving SQ flack for what she's doing, but you dont relize the good she's doing, I guess all I wanted to say was, I support what you're doing Sq.

    *Shrugs* and I don't care if anyone flames me either, I don't think it's right for people to abbuse the org like they do.

    Sq's journal: 
  • InSaNe KeYbLaDeR 2003-10-21 15:23:52 SHIT!!!!!!!!! (just helping out?)

    My new video has a 9.25 average... ^_^ happiness knows no bounds

    Let the whoring campain begin!!!!!!! 
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 21:07:23