Nemoxs (blank )
Waking From Euphoria
2003-09-01 15:27:18
My newest video Titled "Waking From Euphoria" is now released, and I put my heart and everything I had into it, so I hope you enjoy it ^_^.
Waking from the Euphoria!
2003-08-31 12:25:41
I decided on the final title of my new video,
"Waking from the Euphoria",
Is now over 40% done,
And should only have about 3 or 4 more weeks before completion (baring some sort of horrible disscolorazation on my part, or a broken bone :/), Which makes me pretty happy.
And on to other news and shit,
It's only like 1 more month till my girlfriends birthday and I still don't have a present, GAH... I don't know what I'm going to do, Maybe light myself on fire (hey she might enjoy it :P), Perhaps, this kinda thing always turns out happily so hopefully this will be no diffrent :D.
And my friends are all assholes ~_~;;, this is no new news (three n's!) but I just felt I'd like to say it again.
/Personal complaints
So I'm ripping the lord of the rings: The two towers trailer in hopes of doing something mildy cool with it :D.
2003-08-29 08:00:48
I think some of you have dilusions of grandure about these so called "great days" back when artists and "great" editiors came into the phorums or actually gave a damn.
No offense people, but either they left or just stoped caring, there is no amount of people in this world that can tell me truthfully if they really cared, some jerk chould have drivin' them off,
It's just not true, so get that shit outta you're heads, if you guys stopped whining, you could be making the next "Alone in the world" or "Europhoria".
People I've officialy Pissed off.
2003-08-25 16:40:16
FUCK... LIKE FUCK... People get too worked up over shit, so here I am.
I can only apologize to one of them,
Tutter I'm sorry, I didnt mean it like you thought I did, I can't explain what I ment, I just didnt mean it that way, Sorry.
Orignal Poem By Jacob :D
2003-08-25 05:56:32
Welcome back school,
You're so gay,
I hated you last year,
I wished you away,
But your back,
So all i can say is,
Go back home school,
Go away,
Leave forever,
And don't come back another day.
And I am completely aware that gay means happy, but I had nothing else to put there, anyway :D
Fucking school I hate it, but yet I love it, GAH!
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 09:41:42