JOURNAL: Neko116 (Gigi Galdo (Peg) )

  • 2004-04-29 14:21:36 So, I really like this guy.... its intense, for me n e wayz. We r gonna go to florida w/ some friends this summer.... kinda excited about that i must say. But there are two girls that hang around him all the time. He told me he hates it when they are around, but he still sometimes pays more attention to them than me... WTF IS UP W/ THAT? I really get pissed off at him sometimes. And the girls since they act all nice to me and they know I like him, but then they act all flirty with him. I don't understand how girls can get so backstabby about a guy they hardly know! 
  • i'm in love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2003-09-10 17:57:14 Ahhhhh I have finally figured it out (took me long enough) for the past eight ears I have liked this guy named matt, but me and him have had well problems wit our relationship....first problem is that he doesn't love me he just wants to be my friend and secondly he had the same girlfriend for a year thirdly he is four years older than me.
    But finally after I warned him about thrity times his girlfriend dumped him, and he was crying and everything (and I just hated that he was hurt!!!!) Then after being in a big fight me and him are friends again. It was last night that I relized IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HAPPENS I WILL ALLWAYS CARE FOR HIM EVEN WHEN HE TREATS ME LIKE DIRT I CAN'T HELP IT I LOVE THIS MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ......ok thats it...its not like anyone really cares that I found the love of my life........but I HAVE TO TELLTHE WORLD!!!!!!!!!! 
  • 2003-07-27 17:40:34 I havn't slept in three days, intresting fact about me: I almost never sleep. and i am being serious. i have been with my friends for the past three days just kinda goofin around: I played capture the flag and got caught, slept inside a church b/c none of their parents want us in their house, went swimming, went off the high dive six times but on the last time i lost my top heh so i stopped. I played this intresting game called cat and mouse in a huge feild where you have to link arms.....i got bored so me and my friend started waving at cars and haveing our own private hoedown (hey our arms were linked already so why not?) I jumped a fence for the first time scince i broke into that private community, i ate some food, watched a movie, and i havn't been home till now. I love it when all my friends and i get so bored that we all go out and act stupid!  
  • 2003-07-23 20:58:54 very happy, stat uploaded my second vid onto his site so now it goes much much faster -whoo! .........ok.....thats it 
  • 2003-07-17 11:21:59 The link to creep isn't working on my may just be that my computer is crap but if anyone feels like telling me be my guest 
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