BlueJellybean (Mandy Moore)
I watched all of Eva... finally
2003-05-23 13:48:00
Yes I know I think I'm the only person who hasn't seen it! I finally forced my self to watch over the past few days while I was sick!
Wow! I really loved it.. Just like everyone does.
I think its a tad bit overrated. But really good.
Yes I know its horrible of me to put off watching it for this long. *bad me, slaps my own hand*
In other news, I'm going to the beach with my mom and aunt on Sunday coming back Weds. then leaving for Akon on Thursday!
I need to learn to stay at home more and actually try to get a job instead of taking vacations.
I've been to Austin, El Paso, Mexico, and soon Wilmington, NC, and Dallas. All in the month of May.
I'm hoping to go to Pittsburgh in June or July. Then Otakon in August, Then AWA in September. Man I'm going to be soooo broke!
Oh well.. let the fun begin.
Also, I want some blueberry pancakes or pecan pancakes! With lots of syrup and lots of butter!
2003-05-21 18:58:22
I feel lonely... yet I'm talking to people.
My heart aches for something yet I don't know what it is.
I feel a tad bit scared by it.
What is this thing I want? Why do I miss it?
Men are assholes
2003-05-20 11:50:25
God, I hate men.
Not really. Just some. Esp. when they get together as a group. It sucks being the only girl in the group. Esp. when you just happen to be the girlfriend of the only guy in the group that has a girlfriend.
I mean wtf. I'm supposed just sit back and let them rag on me. No way!
I'm not a child. And I refuse to let some sexist pig of a guy treat me that way. I refuse to be called such lowly names and to be told I can't talk just b/c I'm a girl and what not. Supposedly I hav too much of a sass mouth.
What the heck is that about? I'm almost through with this whole thing. They wanna act like children they can. I'm gone.
Poof! Done with it!
2003-05-17 18:51:40
Well I'm in El Paso right now. It rocks here. I hopefully I'll get a tan! I really need it! I'm like Casper the fucking friendly ghost. But hey at least I'm friendly.
I hope to get a computer soon so I can poop out more music videos. The two I've already made are only thanks to someone special who let me use his computer. :)
I found out about the job next week.
Oh oh oh. I also get a car next week! Its convertable! Its a silly old little Chrysler Le Baron. But hey I will look oh so sexy with the top down on my way to Otakon and AWA.
I hope to have another video made for AWA. Something maybe a little more dramatic. Both my vids are comedy. I need to change the scenery. Rawk.
Well I'm out! Lurv youse guyz!
I wanna move!!
2003-05-11 18:15:11
I wanna move so bad but I gotta stay here so I can live with the parents so I can have extra money so I can go to school!
I think I may have found a job!! Yippee!! It pays a whoping 13.25 an hour. Plus I will get to work third shift! My FAVORITE shift! Rawk!
I hate being on my parents computer. I need a computer that I can make videos on!
I've only got to make videos when I'm with Carlos. BAH! :(
And I have so many ideas in my puiny little brain.
Well soon I'll have enough money to build my own! Rawk!
Ack my brain hurts. I've been stressing over emotional shit that shouldn't be so emotional. It should be an easy decision but its not.
I wish my heart would cooperate with my brain for once. Stupid heart... Stupid Stupid heart.
Well I'm off like a prom dress!
Current server time: Dec 26, 2024 10:43:31